Wonder if someone's going to try that with a prepaid aircard gizmo for Julian.

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I get twitchy when my Internet is down for fifteen minutes. This shall surely drive Assange (even more) insane.

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Oh, but I love whistleblowers! I just hate lying shitbag rapist assholes who take money from foreign countries to try to influence our elections in ways that benefit their buyer, and who also hole up in random embassies to escape rape charges while claiming to be a hero and possibly committing child sexual assault over the internet.

Guess which one of those descriptions best fits Julian Assange! Here, I'll give you a hint: it's not the whistleblower one!

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For a second there I thought I was reading a transcript from Alex Jones show.

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I haven't seen the use of the $Hillary/Shillary/Killary/Hitllary as hominems in a while. The desperation must be really sinking in.

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Well, when you put it that way...

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Seriously. #triggerwarning

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Yup. Shorter: "Family squabble. Mind your own business."

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"But Lessig’s reaction is plainly correct. People have a right to say mean things about other people in private. Let he who has not sent a needlessly catty email about a friend, ex-lover, co-worker, or long-shot presidential candidate start the Twitter shaming."

Killary gets privacy to say bad thing but Trump cant have locker room chat about WOMEN!111/.1!!!! MEDIAS RIGGED and IN THE TANK FOR KILLARY!!!!1!1! KILLARY also listens to RACIST EVIL-YONCE music, too!11!!1 U liebruls R HIPPOCRITS!!!!!11

(How's my Wingnutese???)

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"You're not my real dad, Ecuador!"

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Well, yes. Mind it is Sweden we are talking about here. Not Russia, not Riker's. Here's a cell:https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://mic.com/articles/10...

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Pretty good!

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is there like some kinda secret, exclusive, fascist, rapist club that these guys belong to?

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I see this guy's name and I think "ass sponge"... I have no idea what that is but it sounds really gross

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Excellent work.However, I am, in fact, a major general.Of course, the army in question being defunct, it kind of evens out.Sergeant Major, perhaps?

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