Thus proving what I have said for years (and gotten shit for saying), that Peloi is NO progressive and NO friend of progressives.

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Or the (actually) rich, entitled Kennedy clan since forever.

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Since he's a rich Kennedy who has been entiled all his life, he'll never learn.

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Whay would that stop him? It didn't this time. Markey is way more progressive that Kennedy will EVER be (he has an entitled, moneyed life to keep him safe).He'll always run because he thinks as a Kennedy it's his RIGHT, sort of like Trump.

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Also, the media will always genuflect and bow down to any (Mass.) Kennedy, no matter how unquailfied they may be.

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UH, the cause was he's a Kennedy, and he feels his rich fucking ass is entitled to it.

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Oh, well in that case, sign me up!

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Or bags - I believe somewhere they do have wine in bags.

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So your friend is a conservative then? Cause essentially that's what Kennedy is compared to Markey. Or is she just another ''Kennedys are the more wonderful rich white corrupt entitled people ever and I MUST love them cause the press anointed them'' stooge?

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But, but they are RATS!

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Well, Western and Central Mass. are also east of the Cascades...

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Agreed. Seems to me that she did try keeping it on the DL but was set up by some RWNJ bitch who owns the property. That’s fucked up dude. Fuck whomever this Emily person who owns the property.

But I also get where you’re coming from. You’re probably thinking more critically and strategic than me re. this - I’m more of a “Fuck the optics 🖕” kinda person. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️

I know where you’re coming from.

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It's not surprising that a right-wing network like NPR (yes, they really are) would give landlords a say.

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Rich, corrupt, entitled assholes all. Sort of like Trump, expect he's not really rich, he IS corrupt, and he sure does feel entitled.

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Or it might just be that like every rich Kennedy before him he feels entitled to the job. Never mind that the man he's named for was nearly as corrupt as the Trump family.

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NO, not when she has critcised Trump and other Repubs for not wearing masks. It is 100% right that she was called out.

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