When Boehner says nice things about Hopey I start looking for an empty pod.

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As an American, the idea of holding elections in TWO MONTHS without a clear idea of who will be on the ballot is mind-boggling.

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I am not an expert on this, but it is it is my understanding the Egyptian Constitution (A.) Requires a new election within 60 days (certainly not enough time to form political parties, etc.); (B.) Only Parliament can amend that Constitution, and it had been handpicked by the former President; and (C.) that Constitution pretty much limits who can run for President to the gentleman who just left to spend more time with his family at their Black Sea resort.

In other words, don't worry too much about these steps. While a more formal caretaker government might have been better - the fact remains these steps had to be taken to move forward.

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How will the candidates' teams be able to dig up dirt on their opponents and distort their records? Distortion isn't done in a day, people. And can it be even legal to hold an election when the populace isn't sick of seeing these people's campaign ads?

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