Yes. Yes, it does.

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"the story of a group of genuinely decent people trying to hang onto their humanity while surrounded by horror and seemingly outnumbered by swarms of mindless, drooling idiots." So, it's about Democrats in 2014, right?

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Reagan Republican ARE The Walking Dead.

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It's good to know what you like.

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I like some from column D and some from column R. I guess that makes me a moderate?

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Where's <i>Family Guy?</i>

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Reagan Republicans like The Walking Dead.

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Sheesh, where are all of the blood-and-gut-fest shows like "The Walking Dead" or "Game of Thrones" or "Breaking Bad?" I would have thought Rethugs would be all over those with all of the heroic shooting and maiming for justice and such. But I have to admit those are my favorites, maybe because at their core, they are studies of human nature. Liberal empathy wins? Or maybe I'm just a sick bastard.

Also, while I still tune in on occasion, I kind of think John Stewart has jumped the proverbial shark. Colbert is funnier and John Oliver is more insightful.

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I'm surprised about all the real estate shows. They're always about Big City LIEbrals who throw tantrums about their wine cellars at their lesbian partner. And all the gay commie-pinkos I know LOVE THEM.

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FSM gave us "The West Wing" on DVD. Ramen.

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Recapped by HNTP: (None – I guess we know our audience)

Duggar Clown Car LIBEL!!1!

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Could still be a Doctor Who fan...

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