This whole "You MUST stand and pledge the flag or you're UNAMERICAN!" - especially with the editorial cartoon with the veteran in a wheelchair that the teacher uses to shame a student who won't - has been around for what seems to be forever. I know I see it about 2-3 times a year on the Book of the Face, and have since about halfway through the second W term.

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Is that her in the picture? If it is she needs a letter from the American Felinist Association, stat.

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It is the opposite actually. Most schools in my area require an actual RN to be present in the clinic. I think it is so the schools can't be sued when a random school employee gives out the wrong kid's inhaler.

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My mother worked in an elementary school office and when the clinic para was out to lunch or had a day off, she would move her name to the bottom of the alternates list, just so she didn't have to do any of it.

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What the fuck is wrong with all the medical professions this week? Did I miss a behave like assholes memo last week?

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Our school uses parent volunteers as the school nurse.

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I don't know if nurses have an equivalent of "first, do no harm" but if so, she pretty much failed that one.

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We have kids who are cub scouts (shhh...don't tell the pack we are agno-atheist gay-loving communists, we are working it from the inside...) and at every flipping pack meeting the pledge is pledged. About 1/3 of the scouts have parents born outside the US and many of the the scouts were also furen-born. I always feel weird that they are asked to recite the pledge even if they have adopted the US as their home. Wouldn't be surprised if the girl in this story was foreign and brown.

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"You haff your number?""You can't take ze shower vizzout your number..."

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The school nurse at my kids' primary school used to administer Jolly Ranchers to those wee ones who were suffering from a vague pain and an uncontrollable urge to leave their desks for a minute or two.

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If she gets caned, she's probably in Singapore.

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I think of this every time someone mentions the stupid pledge.

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So yeah, right-wing FacePage friend, this kind of thing is why I as a gay man take issue with your pwecious "religious liberty" exemptions. Unless you really think medical workers like this nurse won't happily ignore a sick or injured LGBT person..

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That's been my experience too. My high school's nurse fought (successfully) to get to teach comprehensive birth control lessons and even give out condoms - and this was a school just outside Lynchburg, Virginia!

...of course, this was back in the Age of Klint-On, when the "abstinence only" movement was still just gaining steam nationally and there was still at least a little bit of sanity when it came to policies regarding sex education in high schools, so she would have probably been fired nowadays.

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soon the christians will only provide services to other christians. wait and see.

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