Have you met the Philly PD?

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Aurora police training sounds primitive and brutal. Is ICE funding it?

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Cut off all Federal funding from DEA and DHS.That's not the job of our police.

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Valium is considered a dangerous drug only used by scary addicts.More bullying of doctors by DEA.

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Studies have found that police routinely overestimate the size and weight of Black individuals. This time, it didn't just make McClain seem more threatening in their minds. It cost him his life through the misadministration of a dangerous drug.

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Yup. Ketamine isn’t exotic. Truth is, there aren’t really any drugs that are safe to administer if not following basic protocol for safety. We have no business randomly sedating people being arrested. There are plenty of ways to safely restrain people who are harming themselves or others. And unless there’s a medical need due to escalating stress to a known condition, which absolutely requires inquiry and medical assessment, then there’s no good reason to drug someone. It would be entirely different if it were an overdose situation and they were saving them using a drug.

I just marvel at what medical condition the EMS was administering sedation for here. Is struggling to breathe due to heavy physical compression by police a cause for sedation? Did they do anything else to stabilize him before making that call? What medical protocols was this EMS following?

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lol, sounds like me trying to give my pug medicated eye drops.

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Elijah's story broke my heart a little harder, too. "I'm just different." That one statement asking, please, see that I have dignity...and they just brutalized him.

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Ok well, you can keep arguing about language and I'll argue for what is right.

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Which you'll never get to because you don't understand how language works.

I'm done. You're a lost cause. As someone else has said, if there's nothing wrong with "Defund the police," no messaging problems exist anywhere for anything and, so, don't whine because you think Democrats aren't getting their message out.

Because your position is that message doesn't matter and everyone should just know what everyone else means.

Have a nice day.

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I can't even read this, it is too heartbreaking.

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Every time I see a pic of Elijah with his violin, or am reminded of what was done to him, I want to smash something.The rot goes all the way down. At this point it's gangrene and some amputations are in order. Metaphorical ones. But a good start would be prison sentences for those three cops, at the very least.

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LA Cops/Sheriffs have been assholes for Decades! only 200 feet ASL.

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You win the Internet Commonsense Award for today.

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“ According to the report, Officer Nathan Woodyard had his grubby hands on McClain within 10 seconds of approaching him.”

That’s something I noted when I first watched the bodycam video, it was literally less than ten seconds. Cop gets out of the car, tells McClain to stop, hoofs it across the street and when he didn’t get immediate groveling compliance grabbed him with both hands.

The kid was still removing his ear buds and wondering what the fuck and that frigging control freak was ready to throw him to the pavement for being uppity.

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Utterly horrible. Jared got his life taken by these horrid cops and nobody is accountable. This makes me so incredibly sad.

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