Look up Chuck Grassley and His son who ran over a bunch of people in a tent in a campground. The son was air lifted to the hospital. The tentatents were ambulatory.

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Contraunimpeach the unimpeachment now!

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Need those end of month fundraising dollars

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He's far too shallow to pick someone like her. He'd take Bobo before Marge because while she's as dumb as Empty she's much prettier.

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He was too stupid to see how it would work out. The inmates have taken over the asylum and Kevin is just along for the ride, At least he'll have a good seat for the chaos.

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She’s a beauty!

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They SAY he was a boy, but at 19, most places would consider him an adult.Oh, and POOR? - no fucking way - NO SYMPATHY FOR RICH PEOPLE!

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James Cameron is still a fucking asshole, though.

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True equality means that women are just as capable, but in reality they are nowhere as evil as many men are

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Two ASSHOLES from the same cookie cutter.

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That was because the Repubs, wirh the help of a corrupt Repub judge re-re-districted the 3rd, which was formerly an easy Dem district.

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Give them real peaches to throw... That'll fit.

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Not really. For all their 'bad' aspects, Juggalos tend to be liberal.

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I still cannot understand why the RNC thinks I am a conservative voter. I have NEVER voted republican in a state or national election, yet i have gotten 2 robot calls from Elise and even worse, several recorded calls from (patooie! patootie!) Ted Cruz, inviting me to his online townhalls.I accidentally picked up an unknown caller call the one day and broke it to the guy who drawled at me, "first I want to thank you for being a conservative voter" that I am not and they are not to call me again.

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They really hauled ass away from his penis, didn't they? You don't hear much about that anymore.

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I thought about calling her L. B. That's her initials, and it's also the initials of the nickname one of her colleagues affectionately gave her.

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