No it's Kelsey Gammer

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more like a cricket bat

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Grammar scolds all over the place here. Can we call them a congress? "A congress of grammar scolds" has an apt ring to it. A "swarm"?

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Are we expected to take seriously anyone unfamiliar with one of George W. Bush's greatest hits? (see item #3).

I think we are not. Here's the door.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator


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Is this correct grammar?. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Are they a cover band? If yes, then yes.

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Oh, yes, I never even thought of that angle. Definitely QED also too.

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< snark >Super genius alert!< /snark >

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When I see that dingbat running to the podiums to speak I think of the scene in Wizard of Oz of the witch on her bicycle on her way over to grab poor todo. As a matter of fact Wizard of Oz has many scenes that mimic Dem politicians...Dorothy throwing water on the witch and the witch screaming "help me I'm melting...what a world" and what better scene to describe Hildabeast election night and the best one of all the scene where the wizard himself is barking on the machine that makes him look like a baddie and todo pulls curtain aside and poof there is the wizard just a human like others...think Obama.

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Mmm, "just human like others" is a phrase I would never dream of applying to Donald Trump. "Just human like others" is the last image of himself that exists in Trump's own mind. Best of all in all possible ways is more like it. When exactly was it that Barack Obama tried to bignote himself as greater than human? I missed it. And Elizabeth Warren strikes me as more like game little Dorothy, out to protect Toto from summary execution by any delaying action she can fight. Appears we don't see things the same way.

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If I were a U.S. citizen I'd vote for her!

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Yes, she needs someone to put food on her AND her family.

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They're smart enough to know their history, and to use a sly modification of words uttered by W on the campaign trail in 2000: "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"

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Um, please play through!

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