She is a good lawyer, isn't she?

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Something in my eye...

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History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half decades, childhood diseases passed out of all knowledge.

You may imagine Senator Warren in a white floaty dress with no underwear if you so wish.

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OMG! The Big Pharma Argle Bargle Blargh Conshpirashy got to Warren! It's the only possible explanation!

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somebody made that up

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Well that was simple and to the point. I wish everyone would understand how very accurate Schuchat's answers are and follow her advice to vaccinate!

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And melon juice by the gallon!

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Too late for Kennedy...she went the full nut route.

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I'm sorry, but for Rand Paul you'll have to dumb it down a skosh. Get out the hand puppets.

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I didn't have any questions before this, but I'm always happy to listen to Elizabeth Warren be a badass.

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I wish I had that much style. People occasionally ask me what I think of vaccinations, do they cause autism, and I tell them "<b>My </b>kids are fully vaccinated. Next question?"

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She is smart enough to call them fucking idiots and get them to agree without knowing it

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Nah, speaking as a member of the Baby Boom generation I feel strongly that my cohort is

a) way better at being self-serving than any subsequent amateur efforts out there; and

b) sorely in need of a shitstorm of additional critical pigeonholing. There hasn't been nearly enough, probably because we own most of the media.

Bring it!

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That old football guy? Boomer Einstein or something,right?

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Yersinia pestis? I'm seriously considering renaming one of my cats this.

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I'm amazed that she can maintain her <i>civility</i>. That'd be what would trip me up.

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