Elizabeth Warren expressed pleasure that people would lose their homes? Pics or gtfo

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Geez. you think you folks would at least remember back one Presidential election cycle. Four year ago. it was Ron Paul this and Libertarian that. Same song, different words.

There is no revolution. The last time the Democrats really tried a revolution, Nixon handed them their heads. Every time self styled progressives and socialists push a hard line instead of working the system to make what progress they can slowly from the inside, the Republicans steal back a bit of the progress that's been made in the past 80 years.Obama had a two year sweet spot in his first term. He and his Party did a pretty good job when the Democratic Congress could almost ignore the GOP. Even so, it was very difficult to get the historic legislation passed that was passed; and, to get Supreme Court nominees confirmed.

Since then, it's been down hill. The Bush Depression is all but forgotten. The people you really need to inspire are busy voting for Trump. They all think they are going to find a pot of gold , buy that winning lottery ticket, (or, maybe, become Trump's next apprentice. They want the rules that will give them the best tax breaks when they are the ones who are rich.

It took the the an anarchist's bullet to put Teddy Roosevelt in office to enact the most sweeping changes since Lincolm freed the slaves. Teddy was originally supposed out of the way where he could not interfere with real Republicans. It took the Great depression to give FDR the mandate he needed complete and extend the Teddy's Square Deal.

Average people are by nature, conservative. That's why they go to church. They want to believe and not in aliens.They want to believe in the good old days.

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Why shouldn't she engage with Trump? She's driving him crazy and it's most entertaining to watch.

What would you like her to say about this "revolution"? What if you don't like what she says? Why do you think she must make any statement? Seriously, I think the strength of her convictions is crystal clear.

Is this about trying to force her to endorse one democratic candidate over another? What if she doesn't endorse your choice? Will she become some spineless, simpering, "insider" in your eyes? If yes, would you please go say that to her face? With cameras/smartphones recording? Please?

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The more Warren goes after him the better. He's got a glass jaw for criticism and she drives him nuts. Nobody gets up his nose the way she does. I say keep going Senator.

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He'd rather stick pins in his eyes.

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The other side has churches and wingnut media driving voter participation. The left has no equivalent.

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He destroyed 16 people running while getting your party's nomination. Your party embraced his his rants, hate, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and neo-fascism. If you think social media is only childishness, you have no clue what the world is or will be. What you call "easy pickings" is his attitude about the pain and destruction caused by the worst recession in our history. A more than fair issue for those of who don't want a repeat. Lastly, the revolution going on with the Dems is moving quite well, thank you very much for your concern!

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Can we clone her? We need about 80 in the US Senate and about 50 or so in every state house.

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New hashtag #tinydickdonny. Pass it around maybe it will catch and drive him well crazy(er). Just mho

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"Transgender bathroom rapists!!!!!!!" is far more exciting than "hey, don't let nutjobs ruin the Supreme Court for the next 50 years." God, I hate Republicans. Interestingly, the younger dweebs, like Nikki Haley and Paul Ryan see the writing on the wall, and are trying to act less insane.

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But what did Trump and convicted child molester Jared Fogel talk about in private? That's what people should be asking.

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Marla . . . is it possible that you're . . . nah, it couldn't be . . . .

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Yes, they're trying to *act* less insane. Which isn't the same as *being* less insane.

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Let's be clear: Trump made a generic statement about a possible crash before the crash and what the implications of that crash might be to him (and others with liquid assets).

Liz Warren helped her relatives profit off people affected by the crash in the aftermath of the crash.

And why the focus on 'homes' for Trump? Trump doesn't dabble in homes - at least not the kind that any of us are likely to ever own. When he says 'real estate' he means commercial property.

Having said that, lots of people profited off the crash. I did. For the first time in 25 years or so I bought individual stocks - BofA and Ford. So I'm not blaming Liz for helping her family. I'm just saying that to hold Trump to some other standard for a statement he made with no possible way of knowing how devastating the bubble burst would be is unfair. There are plenty of other reasons to hate him, no need to stretch for any.

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You can tell the ones who are planning on running for president in 2020, because they're already getting their "I'm not totally crazy" game face on.

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