No puppy love?

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You know, speaking as a conservative white man, I think the outrageous costs of what needs to be done over the next couple of generations should be paid by the people who have benefited the most from their outrageous looting and pillaging of our nation and the planet. I favor identifying the families most directly implicated in that operation, and confiscating 99% of their assets. As well as nationalizing any firm owned or operated by them, whether it's in the extraction business or not. I'm ambivalent, at the moment, as to whether to nationalize any firm they have invested in, but I can see that reasonable people may disagree. I leave the minutiae to Doctor Professor Warren - I suspect she already has a detailed plan.

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Oops, I guess you know now, 5 hours later, that none of what you said is true (no comment on final sentence). Sorry.

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Only? Why do you want GB&D Republican when you can have roasted-to-a-crisp Republican?

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And here I've been calling myself an EE student. The more you know!

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As a customer of both Comcast Internet and PG&E, I cannot upfist you hard enough.

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... damn! 😳


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But then she made such a ruckus.. it's like 'cut the drama Nance!'

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It's a Charles Pierce article on Esquire. It has "sewer" in the headline. It's stunning what these creeps are doing.

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But that drama is important - I have a feeling that her ruckus is what led to the administration being bold enough to start criming in daylight.

She’s been at this too long, from a time when she had no power to change a dress code to Speaker for Obama, for me to think this wasn’t a calculated ploy.

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I doubt she thinks that. But she can't say "capitalism is making the planet uninhabitable for human life and it must be dismantled". She's appealing to people who believe in "personal responsibility" as the cure for all life's ills. She's saying "corporations made this mess, it's not about just giving people money because they're [identity]."

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" anyone who believes capitalism is about responsibility..."

Capitalism is not about responsibility, but government IS. Regardless of our economic system government is tasked with the well being of the people and the country.

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Are you sure you're a conservative???

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America is NOT working right now, except for a handful of people, people who already have far more than they need.

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Maybe we are talking about diff topics.. when AOC was proposing the GND Pelosi got pretty snooty over it, basically telling her to wait her turn. How would that lead to Trump criming more?

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Oh, yeah. I dress in plain colors (apart from the weekend, when I wear epilepsy-inducing Hawaiian shirts - but with khaki chinos and black shoes/white socks), I strongly distrust change of any kind, I'm careful about how I spend my money and use our household materials, I try to minimize waste, I'm reasonably honest, and I like to think carefully about things before committing myself. Don't confuse conservatives with these right-wing radical reactionaries who like to call themselves "Conservatives", as if a label can turn them into something different. Same as the right-wing fanatic Mammonite/Molochite sect in this country that calls themselves "Christians". But thanks for asking!

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