well, is she even really a woman any more, at that age?

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there is too much 'we' and 'you' and not enough 'me' and 'i' in that sentence. someone must have written it for him.

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Man kicks ass in debate: "strong"Woman kicks ass in debate: "bully"

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John Delaney looks like a squirrel. Seriously, that thing he does with his mouth before and after he talks. And the look on his face right after Warren murdered him...it was just like the look the squirrel has right before the car hits it. And Warren kept looking at him like I bet she looked at every wise-ass kid in every one of her law school classes. It was priceless. Oh, and whoever clipped his mic on didn't notice it looked like he had a cockroach on his tie.....

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Everyone to the left of Hillary supported Bernie in the 2016 primaries, so yes, it is equivalent.

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I am a living counterexample.

I supported Bernie in the primary, but then wholeheartedly supported HIllary in the presidential election and was pissed off when he didn't immediately throw his full weight behind Hillary when he was eliminated, and vigorously squelch all the DNC-is-unfair crapola among his supporters.

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I know we're not supposed to judge on appearances, but for me, something about Delaney's face confirmed he's a category 5 asshole before he even opened his mouth. And nothing he said mitigated that impression at all.

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Calling some people "Bernie Bros" is not equivalent to saying that everyone to the left of Hillary Clinton is a "Bernie Bro".

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Love that song!

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My bunk. I’ll be in it.

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Instead of these pointless debates, couldn’t CNN do a 30-minute interview with each candidate (with someone who knows how to interview and not some fucking hack)? Seems like that would be a better way to actually learn something about these folks, rather than these royal rumbles CNN is so intent on staging.

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I'll say this. It gave her a chance to show her tough side WITHOUT alienating voters from the more popular candidates. She learned what not to do re Bernie's bros.

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That Wikipedia edit is BRUTAL and I love it! Down with mediocre white guys running as Democrats!

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Thanks for the first laugh I've had in several weeks that brought tears to my eyes, Evan!

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So your "mainstream candidates" are four middle-aged to old mediocre white guys and Mayor Pete Buttigieg, whose surname you didn't even attempt to spell even though you're on the Internet RIGHT NOW. Got it, thanks.

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Delaney went right to Faux news, wow. Well, he DID love him some Reagan on last night’s stage.

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