That already happened, only in a car, not a house. Philando Castile.

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AFAK (which might not be very far—I haven’t spent time in Europe since I was a kid) it’s mostly without speed limits at all, except near city centers. But people take the left lane for passing only thing VERY seriously, so in practice it ends up looking like the leftmost lane is reserved for adrenaline junkies, even though there isn’t a regulation to that effect.

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Problem: Warren (or any current candidate) needs all the support available. She's running third or fourth in Calif. depending on the poll you are using, trailing both Biden, the frontrunner, and Harris. More important consideration is how the eventual candidate will run in purple states and in those heretofore red states that may turn purple. Especially important are Pennsylvania, Arizona, North Carolina, MIchigan, Georgia, Wisconsin Maybe Iowa. Maybe Texas. Florida will be a mess one way or the other, so every vote earned there will be especially important. In 2000, 512 such votes out of 8 million plus-- brought us Bush II.There's no way to the Presidency without carrying some of these states.Writing off any potential support--and questions about policy--is no way to win an election.

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What the fuck are you talking about? Care to explain the fevered series of crosslinks in your brain that got you from what I said to what you ask.

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I could not agree more.

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You know that over 93% of gun deaths are from pistols not rifles. There's your problem.

In 1994 a large percentage of responsible gun owning Democrats stayed home. It's pretty clear why. But this is not a party that learns from its mistakes.

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1) In case you haven't noticed, those kids died from gunshots. These are a direct result of guns.2) You seem to be awfully hard-on playing the AKSHUALLY card here. Yes I see the difference between guns for hunting and AR-15-like assault rifles and the like, but it really smacks of tone-deafness ESPECIALLY after El Paso and Dayton. Walmart making a big show of pulling video game promos hasn't really helped their own cause either.3) The NRA launders Russian money.

Should I continue? Do I still need to continue explaining my "fevered crosslinks" to you?

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Can it? The Constitution is really vague about the who and how of a Constitutional Convention.Pretty sure there will be blood regardless of who convenes it. No one will be able to enforce it on the other factions.

A new Constitution that accurately represented the US citizenry would pretty much be the 4th Reich but with more religion.

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Why not? We have at least two legal systems.

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Its the same law that protects all other manufacturers from silly liability suits. There's not a separate law for gun manufacturers.

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Easily fixed. I think every 700 owner found out about this years ago.

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Except that he made no such threat.

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That gets to a Catch 22: if he's tried to defend what was posted as "free speech", it would seem to be too late to deny he's really the author.

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Warren FTW!

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I'm a Warren guy. Her policy plans just touch my tralala.

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