That might work!

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Ha, I had no idea who the "Daily Grind" was. I figured they were just another right wing grifting super pac. It's probably owned by the Kochs, like every other huge pac that's designed to either grift from the rubes, or to influence morons to vote for tax cuts.

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The other half of the country is too stupid to even bother to vote. I'd say that MORE than 50% of the country is composed of morons.

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She was a teacher, and it shows, in a totally awesome way.

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Good thing I didn’t say a damn thing about “winning Cletus back.” I’m not sure why a statistical argument is so confusing to you, but ALL I have claimed is that the Cletuses you like feeling so smug about are not 50% of the country, and that operating as if they are is a good way to make people live down to your expectations.

You remind me a lot of the people who move to my tiny town thinking they’ll obviously be the only people who can tie their shoes, are condescending dicks to everyone (including the disproportionate number of people with advanced degrees and previous lived experience all over the world who’ve settled down here), then leave still totally convinced of their superiority because—brace yourself, apparently this is a novel concept for you—people tend to react badly to smug assholes making assumptions about them.

Have fun with your straw men and self-satisfaction. I’ll be knocking doors and actually talking to my neighbors instead of looking down my nose at them.

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The problem with that idea is it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. What seems truly moronic to me is the entire pundit class deciding that the dumbest, loudest member of that 40-something percent of the 40-something percent of the electorate is perfectly representative of the entire country (except for them and their friends, of course), reinforcing that narrative over and over and over again, then being confused when liberals lose the courage of their convictions and vote based on fear of how stupid the pundits have insisted the rest of the electorate is, half the country just gets discouraged and stays home, and another small percentage resents the ever-living shit out of being talked to/about that way and votes/stays home accordingly. Then pundits find the angriest, dumbest member of that last portion and repeat the cycle. THAT’s moronic. Deciding everyone outside NY and CA is a good way to make you and your friends feel smart and sophisticated. It’s a wretched way to do politics.

My favorite thing about Warren is that she has clearly rejected the “everyone’s a moron” assumption, and contrary to the pundit narrative, she’s steadily rising in the polls. Probably because even when people don’t completely grasp complicated economics, most people really appreciate not being assumed to be morons from the start.

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To clarify: assuming everyone’s a moron is a really bad way to do politics IF you’re in the party that still believes government has a purpose and should help people. Telling people their neighbors are all idiots and everything is shit and getting them angry/confused/discouraged/scared works marvelously if you’re only interested in getting into government to loot it and burn it down.

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I think it was Buttigieg that gave the answer that threaded the needle, that we have to pay for medical care for undocumented immigrants (and poor/uninsured/underinsured people in general) one way or another, so even if you’re a racist psychopath it’s just stupid to insist on doing so the most inefficient and expensive way possible.

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Commodity markets do provide a service to the economy. They allow producers to protect themselves from the risk of wildly fluctuating prices.

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Very often though, speculative bubbles in the commodity markets are the cause of the wildly fluctuating prices.

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They need to find a new word, because everybody knows exactly what they're talking about. Not at all clever.

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You will never convince me that half the country is not made up of morons. I live in South Carolina. Probably 70% of the people here shouldn't be allowed to drive, or have children, and definitely shouldn't be allowed to vote. If they could vote to reinstate slavery, they would.

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Cool. I’m sure glad Elizabeth Warren doesn’t think like you.

PS, I grew up in Tennessee. I’m well aware there’s lots of stupid to go around. I still don’t think the dumbest people I met growing up are representative of half the nation.

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Yes, I have been grinding my teeth for years trying not to yell this at them. And I am a former healthcare worker so I know yelling doesn't help.

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Two days ago I googled them and got many article from the BBB now I google them and nothing from that. Strange, I found this on the net though. I think they are a straight up con.


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