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Fuck can be an em dash too. I find myself screaming cat fucker just before I wretch.

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Why are Racists so thin skinned?

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NPR pointed out that McConnell didn't bother with Senate Rule 19.2 when Ted Cruz called him "LIAR!" during the Green Eggs and Ham Filibuster of 2013.

I'd also argue that Warren was merely amplifying the voice of someone who thought then Asst. US Atty. Sessions (not yet Senator) was a gigantic RICHARD. not that Coretta Scott King needed help with that until 2006. and Sessions could have called all the racist bullshit was a "youthful indiscretion". it worked for Shrub and that raging coke habit he had until the tender age of 40.

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BAD ART, BECCA!Cup Liz art=GOOD ARTNew Shirt art=stupid, ugly, doubleplusungood BAD ART BAD ART BAD ART BAD ART BAD ART BAD ART BAD ART BAD ART BAD ARTPLEASE do better!I know you guys need money. But not this way.

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I want "She Persisted" t-shirts and I want to buy them from you.

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yes, memo to file.

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When the neo-confederate klan sympathizers currently running the gop are consigned to the ash heap of history where they belong, then I'll get over it.

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"improve the lives of your constituents"Yes - that's what she's attempting to do. Thanks for asking.

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Latest video of Mitch McConnell silencing Elizabeth Warren:


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Well, if you insist; a big ol' fistful of votes.

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I say "Fuck Them!" or "Fuck 'em!" more than I ever have.

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Viva la persistence!

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I have lived in DC, and now you mention it, I know the rough murder rates just off the top of my head for those years... was somewhere in the mid 200s, under 300, at least, and that was kinda in the 'getting better' category for the time...

Aaaand... just checked online, and yep...

Hell, I remember it being _continually_ covered. What it is, how it compared with last year and previously, how we were doing versus Baltimore, all the murder numbers you want, all the time.

Trump is a pathetically transparent demagogue; are they _always_ this stupid, this blatant, this obvious? Seriously: he clearly swims in sensationalist media, builds his entire ZOMG the sky is falling panic give me extraordinary powers hallucinatory worldview from it, and now he's realizing the whole of the rest of the world _doesn't_, and that this is an obstacle to his power, he's trying to fix that. There are people _not_ being appropriately terrified by the alarmism he needs, and this simply won't do.

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