Corporations are judges too, my friend.

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Oh Yeah ! Warren 4 life yo ! (do people still say that?)

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<i>Obama has been touting his acquisition of diversity cookies, with a whole website devoted to how many not-white-men he has nominated for the federal bench.</i> What does a whole website equate to in bindersfull?

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I loved the way she handled him though. The way she covered her amusement by pushing her glasses back on her nose and not screaming "OFMG ! Are you for real?!" and falling over laughing. I could watch that forever.

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Funny you should say <i>pointer</i>...

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There is just not enough Elizabeth to go around.We may as well elect madame president here since she is the only one doing any damn thing for the people and looking out for their best interest

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So, I'm slightly into the wine, but (1) yes, Senator Warren is one of the very few senior Democrats who is willing to speak frankly about the political influence on economic (in)justice; (2) she has pretty clearly indicated that she is not running for President in this election; (3) it is possible, although not proven, that she is one of those who really are better suited to the legislature than to administration (really, think about John Kerry). On this, I would still defer to her own judgment.

So, how about Clinton/Warren 2016? Electorally, you get your establishment Dems, and also your actual liberals (Liz would have the inside track in 2020 or 2024). From Hillz's view, a probable boost among the not-so-committed-to-her. From Warren's view, VP is a much more solid election platform than Senator.

We already elected a half-black-half-white guy President twice. Twenty years ago, I would have given you pretty long odds against that happening in my lifetime. I no longer see a completely vagina-American P/VP ticket as a deal-killer.

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