It like what' her face calls herself "Jenny from the block." Block of what? Real estate she owns?

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During Reagan's reign of error.

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And likely without benefits

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I'd bet good money that JP Morgan contracts it's floor sweepers out, to provide a layer of deniability about their immigration status and sub-minimum wages.

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I think it's when America's white nationalists got a good look at a real, black, president. That's when they all lost their shit.

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Right. They're all independent contractors.

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Heck, the kings of Sumer and Akkad knew that, and enforced it. We threw the knowledge out in 1973 and joined the Cult of Hayek.

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That fucking sucks! The VA makes it nearly impossible to claim the actual physical requirements of service sped up the process of the inherited issue. I know a guy who actually won when the VA claimed his back/neck/hip issues were "pre-existing" his enlistment. I hope to get our doctor to agree to signing off on my husbands herniated discs, etc., so he can receive some kind of meager compensation. I have been "working poor" for far too long. I totally get the choice between feeding kids and any other bill. I often went without food when my kids were young.

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My car was a Dodge Colt and was 20 years old. My friend informed me that people should buy a new car every 5 years. I did not have a trust fund like my friend and liked my trustworthycar. I would still be driving that old car, but because of side effects of cancer treatment I needed a car with air conditioning. When I put my car out for sale I had several buyers. New is not always better and my 23 year old Montgomery Ward's freezer is proof.

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It gets worse. Thanks to the new war on Opioids, my pain clinic has cut my dose of morphine down so low I'm literally nonfunctional and in the same level of pain as I was when I first got hurt.

The fucking Sackler family makes billions pushing their legal shit on the streets, and people like me get punished.

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Sadly, you have hammered the nail.

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Got a nearly fifty year old water that is chugging along just fine.

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Mayor Pete has done nothing for anyone in his young life. He's cute, cuddly, and gay but he's not much of anything, and certainly not a social warrior, by any stretch. He's very smart and talks very well.

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Prosecutors say there weren't any laws that made them able to connect them. It seems possible that legislators arranged it that way, doesn't it? I wonder if Sen. Warren agrees.I do feel you're giving too much credit to Tea Partiers. I don't remember any such reasonable motive out of any one of them.

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Maybe he likes being that money guy who, however, says those sensitive things once per decade. Because once he said that actually the extra money Dodd Frank required businesses like his to keep on hand DID actually make things safer. He said in a hearing I think. But it was the only thing, as I recall. A lot was made of this. Which just shows how crazy that is because, having just been thru the Recession when the banks needed bailouts, it would have been such an obvious fact.

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They could have prosecuted some of the big boys, but lacked the will. see attached article. https://www.washingtonpost....

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