If they actually overturn Roe, then they lose their compulsory single issue that the religious HAVE to vote Republican to avoid Eternal Hellfire.

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Is it a republic?

So to summarize: a republic is a form of government where the power a) rests with the people, b) is exercised through representative government, and c) has an elected head of state.

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I agree. I live in the Midwest and we have very long, cold winters. I loved escaping to someplace warm and tropical, stepping off the plane onto the jetway and feeling a first burst of warm, tropical air. My grandmother was born in 1925 and never flew once in her life either. She was terrified even of the highway, and always traveled back roads if she could. She also started smoking at age 15 because it was in fashion then, classy even. She quite at age 40, and said for many years if she ever lived to be 80, she would take up smoking again. She lived to be 82, and smoked twice - once on her 80th bday and again a year later. She was special.

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"Democrats will never win another election if all they can offer is some drab Medium Place where nothing bad happens but not much good does, either."

Eh, Biden was elected on precisely that platform. The Bernie attitude that "Dems will ALWAYS LOSE unless they adopt some specific radical platform" was disproved in 2020.

I mean, I say this as someone who would have PREFERRED a Bernie/Warren platform. But I'm thinking back to February 2020 and all the people who said that Biden was DOOMED because no-one would support a grey wishy-washy machine pols. Those people have never re-examined how we got to where we are.

I just saw someone shrieking on Twitter that "DEMS ARE HOSED IN 2024" because, er, Kamala Harris just had a bad poll result. You've got to think - do these people really believe what they're saying? Or is it an attempt to win a political argument by arguing "if you don't agree with me, fascism wins, a boot stamping on a human face forever"? And when the terrible thing doesn't happen, they respond: "Ah, well, nevertheless..."

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You're a good person to care.

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This is your 90-day free trial of the new layout. After that it's $24.95/mo with auto renewal and customer service where they don't speak your language.

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No, but I threw a television once....

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I always feel like I have been on vacation when I go away to the Caribbean in the winter. It also makes winter feel shorter to me. A week or so in the tropics and winter is bearable again.

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It gives me hope the generation reading Teen Vogue will grow up demanding better journalism

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PT could maybe help with her balance issues. Even something as simple as just holding on to the back of a chair while raising on foot, holding it for 10 - 15 seconds, then alternating.

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Eh, Biden was elected on precisely that platform. The Bernie attitude that "Dems will ALWAYS LOSE unless they adopt some specific radical platform" was disproved in 2020. Ummm…[vox article explaining biden’s platform as of May 2020]

It’s a detailed and aggressive agenda that includes doubling the minimum wage and tripling funding for schools with low-income students. He is proposing the most sweeping overhaul of immigration policy in a generation, the biggest pro-union push in three generations, and the most ambitious environmental agenda of all time. www.vox.com/platform/amp/20...Also see Joe Biden’s platform;https://joebiden.com/joes-v...

Maybe right out of the gate in the primary but by the general nope. The Joe Biden we voted for and we’ve seen in office has gone to the mat many times with a decidedly left leaning stance. I mean he even dissed fracking in the final debate with Trump.

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The inner FDR is an added bonus, I just hoped to stop the damage.

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Looks like a city planning design flaw to me. Why are the easterners working in the west and the westerners working in the east? Idem for north/south.

This is why almost all cities I know of have a road that goes around the city, that way if someone needs to be on the other side of the city they can avoid the busy city centre and just drive around the entire kerfuffle.

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I love that Teen Vogue is doing this. I shall read the article. Ta, Stephen. Oh, and of course I love Elizabeth Warren. I love her even more having read Persist.

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The gateway to success.

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Majority rule is a good thing, and no matter what Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema infuriatingly claim, the filibuster doesn't defend “minority" rights, unless we're now considering white Republicans a protected class.

This. If you compare the two, at least with majority rule MOST people are going to be happy. Minority rule just consigns most people to misery.

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