Unfortunately, Whitey Milkshitter says non-stupid things that normal republicunts find terrible. It's hard to decide what to do. My schadenfreude meter gives me this confused look even when it moves into the red zone.

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That's quite the nice little troll, madame Senator. Well played.

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Well, they're illegals, so I know it sounds rough, but it's a fairway to send them back where they belong.

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That's a gimme.

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Remember when conservatives didn't like getting into wars? Good times.

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I'm all for a good troll of wingnuts, but am I the only one who thinks that Trump won't have a banner 10 times bigger than "Mission Accomplished (sic)" behind him on inauguration day 2017 that says "Hahahahaha, SUCKERS!".

GOP Prez Trump will do what now? Veto a tax cut for Billionaires the GOP congress puts on his desk? Kill an Iran War Resolution the GOP congress puts on his desk? NOT put up Alito II, Electric Boogaloo to replace Ginsburg? Seriously? I don't think he'll get the nomination, but does ANYONE actually think any GOP candidate who wins the general won't just be the hardest ass Scott Walker in WI type a-hole on Earth? We'll pine for Compassionate Conservative Duhhhhbya over any "sure I'll tell you chumps I'll tax Hedge Funders, bwahahahaha" Trump Preznitzy.

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Unfortunately the beating of the war drums by the neo-conservatives and the Democrats drowned out the Old Right's calls for a cautious foreign policy decades ago. The non-interventionist foreign policy supported by the paleo-conservative/libertarian wing of the GOP is treated with disdain by the power brokers in DC, including many on the left.

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Biden/Warren '16

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sara palin's verbiage diagram could prove the eleven dimensionality of the universe required by some string theorists?

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That he's the least objectionable is what makes it terrifying that he could become president.

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Who makes a 24 hour clock that stops?

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Except she said no, probably because she does the mostest good right where she is at.But still *drool*

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Actually, you are incorrect. A true conservative position would be to do nada. To conserve what is. To maintain the status quo. It is /liberal/ to instigate and actively seek change ^.^ By the very definitions of the word no less.

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Pink light is said to be very flattering to older ladies...I'm guessing that's why the entire stage of The View appears to be bathed in a rosy glow, like the inside of Barbie's house.

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Nah. The guys in yarmulkes that he likes are accountants, not hedge fund guys.

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I'm pretty sure that support for that plan will putter out soon.

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