That’s my dad’s birthday as well.

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See this is why I am irritated by that adfontesmedia media bias chart. They put Wonkette in the extreme liberal category, which is fine, but also in the “propaganda/contains misleading information” category which is not. This, for example, was a very informative description of Warren’s proposal on SS, albeit one with a snarky, lefty flavor. It is not misleading, nor is it propaganda, unless “facts” are now considered propaganda? Don’t answer that... While I absolutely agree with the concept, I feel like the charts creator needed to fit everything into a neat bell curve, and couldn’t countenance the idea that someone could have “extreme” views but also be very accurate. As an engineer I like to think that’s not a bad description of myself.

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You are luckier than I. I have the same birthday as Richard Nixon, and Joan Baez too which helps to cancel him out.

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I had to go on social security early after my accident... geeze, an extra 200 a month would even let me buy groceries (don't worry... I don't need a gofundme site to beg for food.... yet... my husband gets enough to cover our other expenses here south of the border).

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My mother's response to the greedy geezer argument was "If it wasn't for social security, I'd have to live with you!" End of discussion!

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my father inherited a good chunk of change (I'll never know how much) from a childless aunt. He lived like the money would never end. He came back into my life right around the time it did. It didn't occur to me until years later to wonder if he was hoping I'd be willing to take care of him in his old age. He died before we reached that point, broke and (more or less) alone in a VA hospital.

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Marie Laveau - Voodoo Queen

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Which surely has nothing to do with trollbots commenting on how there Just Aren't Enough Rich People to Tax for all these wild & crazee far left proposals.. (not here, at least that I've seen)

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If Senator Warren does not get the nomination (and the election, of course) we will have missed an historic opportunity to really progress. Some of the others may have something going for them, but Warren has it all; energy, integrity, intelligence, experience, and a sincere desire to govern for all.

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Yes I said that too.

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Yes, that terrible ad with AOC should have shown scenes of Sweden not Cambodia.

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I got Abe Lincoln, which was way cool in grade school when I still got my birthday off. "A holiday? For me? You shouldn't have!" Now, not so much.

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I've been there and it is fun, but..... that lab with countless jars and canisters filled with god-knows-what chemicals and toxic compounds baking in the Florida heat for the last 100 years. The guide told us the risk and expenses of removing it is too great so they are just leaving them be and hope for the best.

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Pop quiz for anybody who spews this out-of-context crap:The top 20% make __% of the income.

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Mr Donohue, I see your argument, but there is a need to compare apples to apples, not just say "oh this is a bunch of apples, they must be roughly equal to this in a percentage of oranges."

I might not be understanding what everyone wants to hear from you on this, but I think the essence is: perhaps the very rich should actually be paying more in actual dollars, proportional to the actual dollar amount of income they receive. Knowing that someone paid $20 or $100 isn't helpful unless there is some context supplied with it.

In other words, instead of being happy that the top 2 quintiles are paying 88%, I believe others here are wondering if perhaps they should be covering a higher percentage of that pie.

I know a number of wealthy people who pay accountants and money managers to limit their tax liability as much as possible. So what they pay does not always equal their tax rate. And the cycle just continues, as the more money you can hold onto, the more you can invest in securities, reinvest dividends, etc, the more money you can make.

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