Sigh. Carly's brain is technically too small to harvest.

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A day later, and no more Liz Warren Facts? I am disappoint. :-(

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Our Dubya is better than their Dubya.

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Unlike Ted Cruz, would she need to?

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Chief Justice EarlLiz Warren!

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Something something black-on-black violence

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This feels like an entry on a "Chuck Norris Liz Warren Facts" list...

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So glad the BLM people liked what Professor/Senator Warren said regarding violence against black people by police. Just wondering when I'm going to start seeing other BLM 'spokespersons' slamming Warren?

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I come from a house divided. The libtards are the only ones who actually know the issues though, so the political flareups are brief and one-sided. Mostly we do the polite thing and avoid politics.

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Finally! A Washington Word Holeâ„¢ that shouldn't be closed with all deliberate haste!

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We have to avoid politics, also too, as our house is also divided. Mom and stepfather are differing shades of right wing, while dad is a libtard, and the five kids they have severally produced range from libtard me to right-wing, evangelical, "I-work-for-Carly's-campaign" brother, with stops in between.

We make the effort when we're together because we like one another, but the tension comes out in odd ways, like the Mets-Yankees World Series food fight that erupted during Thanksgiving dinner after we had all been so polite about the 2000 election controversy.

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Single black mammies and their using the food stamps and livin' on the generous welfare and teachin' their childrens to abuse the system. Because they be moochers. Jesus Jesus Gawd Gawd. Amen.

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Do we really care what Republicans hear when they listen to Elizabeth Warren? They ignore her at their peril.

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But all of that stuff happened so long ago! All right-thinking Americans know that 1) black people's problems stopped three seconds after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed, and 2) in any case, history began last week. So pull yourself up by your bootstraps, black people, if you have boots.

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I've said it before - as much as I Bern for Bernie, Warren is my spirit politician...

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I'd ask you to point to a single piece of actual legislation signed by this president that even remotely aligns with your fevered vision of "redistributing the wealth" to minorities, but that would require you to have ever actually read a piece of federal legislation in the first place, which seems incredibly unlikely.

Unless by "minorities" you mean Lockheed-Martin and other associated defense contractors. We've redistributed quite a bit of our collective wealth in their direction under the last several presidents, is that who you mean?

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