"Slate" LOL! --they cater to Leftist Useful idiots & Progressive CluelessTwits! Can we spell F.A.K.E. N.E.W.S.?https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Gawd, I hope so. I'm having a lot of fun watching some young women be very successful here in Minneapolis, opening & running businesses like bakeries, gourmet donut shops & restaurants. And they hire cool young guys to work for them who want to cook or bake. The whole scenario is very fun and cool: the Boys are cool with taking direction from the Girls bc they just want to cook or bake and the Girls, while they have some culinary skills, are all about running a successful business.

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Stating you're a republican and then stating you don't like that those with political biases are lumped together is definitely a contradiction. Sometimes it's tough to translate oneself (or gray issues) into a world that's (IMO) irrevocably divided. You can almost believe you're forced to take a side, no matter how much it seems like you're making choices.

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Sorry, I blanched the "reducing costs" statement more than intended. You're correct; what you've described is a simplified, but very accurate depiction of how cost reduction works in healthcare. ACA is so "late" it will initially do more harm than good, mostly because the majority of Americans can't see the big picture, esp. after negative changes to (or rejections of) their plans. If the plan hurts my lifestyle or livelihood, I'm pissed and ready to blame the asshats who passed ACA into reality and don't care what it means at a national level in the long term.

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Ahh, got it now, Mr Cooper!

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Yep, you're absolutely correct. I forgot about that!

Well, double yuck.

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I want my clip-on tie back!

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One of my doctors as a kid was through Planned Parenthood.

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Aren't you just adorable in your stupidity!

You folks never get tired of being wrong, do you? That's what makes your claim that we are "low info Gruber voters" so fucking hilarious.

Here's some facts I know you don't know, cupcake. Sanger was NOT a "eugenicist." She was an advocate for birth control who made common cause with the eugenics movement that was popular at the time to advance her birth-control aims.

The eugenics movement was supported by millions, including people like Winston Churchill, WEB DuBois, and Alexander Graham Bell. There were academic departments of eugenics, and advocates were very active all over the world. The vast, vast, vast majority of those people were not Margaret Sanger.

A number of states had laws imposing mandatory sterilization on those the state judged to be "unfit." None of those states was controlled by Margaret Sanger.

As many as 60,000 people were sterilized as a result of those laws. Sanger sterilized NONE of them.

In fact, she opposed the idea of the government sterilizing anyone. For Sanger, it was up to the individual woman to decide whether to have a child.

But of course, you'll ignore this information as you continue to post your blatant lies, because you're only interested in tut-tutting about eugenics when it suits your religious-fanatic agenda.

You are the very DEFINITION of "low info" voter.

Piss off now. You tire us.

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It's OK, my mom is smart enough to recognize snark. It's kind of like Kix cereal.

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Democrats need to start voting more on the local level, rather than just in the presidential elections. The House and Senate being filled with a Republican majority will only produce shit. Even the president can't do everything alone with no support.

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Let's see how can one possibly defeat such a well orchestrated line of bovine manure? Well first of all ladies don't just love their favorite lady parts healthcare provider enough to make Democrats fight for it. Planned Parenthood gets $500 million from the government. They take $100 million of this and donate it to the Democratic Party. This is the motivation. It's not like Democrats care about women any more than Republicans do. Researchers at Princeton University document that public opinion, support or opposition to any pending bill has no, none, zero, statistically insignificant effect on a bill being passed. It's been like this for over twenty years. The selling of baby parts videos were never debunked as many a leftist blog claims. Instead a gag order was issued by the courts showing the vast political power of this major Democratic Party contributor. In every aspect of our society today, including woman making a choice to have a child or not, the deciding factor is money.

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Howcome, ....practically most liberal "Feminists" looks like lesbians?, has predilections to be dykes, and seems to act like lesbians? (the premise of 'feminism' is to be as strong, if not stronger than men, isn't it?--besides giving ugly women a fair shot...) --and when they do come out, they will shack up with one that looks like a man! why not get the real one? SMH....

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"Fake PP video" LOL! says a feminist....talking points sucked up from a Liberal Master! despite PP caught in their own words!! ON VIDEO!! (what will it take?

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You must be a "Feminist" (lesbian?)

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