Martha Stewart?

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Agoraphobics ?

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Oh good gawd, between this and the OHJB Instagram thingie, I may never leave the house.

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<i>“But insiders also understand one unbreakable rule: They don’t criticize other insiders,” Summers told Warren, she writes. “I had been warned.”</i>

And then I kicked him so hard in the balls that it registered on the seismometers in Kathmandu.

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<a href="" target="_blank">This</a> is how I imagine the conversation.

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Marsha Blackburn vs Elizabeth Warren in 2016. O, please, if You exist Yah-Weh, let us have this one.

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I can't stomachs this kind of pun, cud you not repeat it?

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Am I buying it ha ha .Honey you had me at Hello or How iffin you want to keep it on the Indian dialect. Love me some Liz Dub I'd buy a gallon of drain water she washed her duds in iffin it would get her to be Madame President

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Please. I'm not in the moood.

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