My point was that if you consider the Magna Carta to be the first time at which there was <em>any</em> kind of "constitutional principles" constraining the Crown, then actually for a majority of the time that there has been a King/Queen of All England*, there has been such constraint. In terms of stopping the Monarch from enriching themselves, though, the versions of the Magna Carta since 1216 did very little.

- whenever you want to say that was - Egbert? Athelstan?

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Because <em>real</em> female nerds are always one "letting the hair out of the pony tail and removing the glasses" away from being super-models.

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It's the accumulated wealth of over a thousand years of monarchy, for most of that time (almost) unconstrained by constitutional principles*, and most of it is now essentially state, not personal, property. For example, the Crown Jewels belong not to Elizabeth Windsor, but to "the monarch as sovereign, held in trust for her successors and the nation"; much of the real estate (including all the official residences like Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle) is similarly held in trust.

<a href="http:\/\/www.forbes.com\/sites\/luisakroll\/2011\/04\/22\/just-how-rich-is-queen-elizabeth-and-her-family\/" target="_blank">Forbes reckons</a> the Queen's personal wealth is about $500 million.

Wells Fargo alone, on the other hand, has amassed (a market capitalization of) a quarter trillion dollars in well under a fifth of that time. GS is slacking at a mere $77 billion.

* yeah yeah, Magna Carta blah blah.

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Today's price is $0.81/pound, or $1620 per U.S. short ton. All you need is a dump truck and a front loader and your making some serious coin. <a href="http://www.kitcometals.com/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.kitcometals.com/charts/aluminum.html">http://www.kitcometals.com/...

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Pushing aluminum around in a building is the new capitalism! All those guys with shopping carts filled with aluminum cans must be rich by now.

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And Dennis Kucinich as Secretary of Peace.

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<blockquote>...sufficiently empowered, politically, intellectually, and otherwise...</blockquote> One can not help but be aroused by such.

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OH. And iffen you're gonna actually ride that thing Mizz Warren, PLEASE put on a helmet. We can not afford to lose <i>any</i> part of that masterful glorious brain of yours.

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The Emmelemm Maxim: Never watch the Video!

The Shypixel Exception: Unless it is of Elizabeth Warren, because Awesomesauce.

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would pay to see Senator Warren flog Jamie Dimon.

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Can you imagine the legislation that would have been created by the Tea Party if this were true?

Wes Craven can't hold a candle to that horror...

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Meanwhile, intellectual giant Scott Brown still has big sads because Indians or something...

Warren/Grayson 2016.

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I think I'd enjoy the sight of bankers in orange jumpsuits better, but if Elizabeth Warren yelling at them is all that's on offer, it's a clear improvement on nothing.

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What he gets for being a Cleveland fan...

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BTW, "it is a day" is also how you know that the banks are doing something worth yelling at them about.

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The Windsors are collectively worth a few billion. The banks are collectively worth... a shitload more. You have your piker relativism inverted.

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