Given how every right wing accusation is a confession, I wonder if anyone is paying them to show up to protests. I wouldn't be surprised, and there have long been rumors that Trump pays people to attend his rallies.

Or maybe it's just a reference to all of the right-wing astroturf groups that pretend to be "grassroots" but are actually being run and funded by a handful of right wing asshole billionaires.

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If Soros funneled his money through the Koch network like a good oligarch, no Republican would ever say his name out loud.

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That's it. No more Twitter for me.

I'm moving to the new super-dependable Truth Social.

Uh-oh, slight problem: I'm not on Twitter.

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subtle yet tasteful FIVE STARS!

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"And now, Deep Thoughts, by Jack Elno."

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Ruh-oh... begun the Cyberdyne wars have...

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As long as we’re talking about supervillains, Elon reminds me of Luthor. They’re both egomaniacs who could be spending their billions on a cure for cancer but choose to be evil instead. But while Luthor at least creates jobs for the henchmen community, Elon pissed away $44 billion just to become the world’s biggest troll.

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Btw, I stand by my prediction that Tesla will force Elon out as CEO by the end of the year.

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Everybody loves to hate a super-villain, and a rich old guy is even better than a foreign leader for that role. Without denying that anti-Semitism plays an outsize role in attacks on Soros, just the idea that wealthy individuals have too much power in the political sphere domestically or internationally is troubling enough... whether it's Soros, Gates, Must, Carlos Slim, or Pregozhen.

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I donno... you can find plenty of people that think an 80 year old guy in the US,or a 70 year old in Russia is master of the universe and source of all the world's ills, too. The only real difference is that nobody elected Soros, he's just another overly rich guy.

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I have never in my life have heard of anyone as intolerant of the tiniest criticism as Elon Musk. He makes Trump look positively stoic.

Remember when that hero diver who saved those trapped Thai kids committed the offense of saying the gizmo Musk was (allegedly) putting together to get to them wouldn't work? Musk went absolutely batshit and accused the guy of being a pedophile. What an utterly useless, insecure, neurotic mess, who unfortunately can make a lot of trouble because of his money.

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Let's hear people applaud Musk's exploding spaceship:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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ELON MUSK is calling someone else a comic book supervillain? ELON MUSK????

I know they all project, but JFC.

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The thing also wreaked havoc on the whole launch area, including a bird sanctuarly, because they were too damn cheap to build a launchpad that could withstand the rocket blast. Chunks of concrete flew for a half-mile at least.

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Wow. Elon Musk is advertising his anti-semitism loud and proud.

Here’s hoping a real Magneto crumples up a Tesla with Elon inside—you know, for humanity.

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My grandfather also survived nazism in Europe and he told me in the 1980s he saw a lot of that potential here in America, particularly in the so called “moral majority” that was rising. At the time I thought he was affected by his trauma, but he was right.

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