At this point Telsa doesn't need a "genius" or an "innovator", what it needs is an experience car man, preferable an engineer-CEO who can built cars that don't break-down, has professional fit-and-finish, and can stop the racism on the assembly line.

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call his bluff and watch him back peddle so fast he leaves skid marks

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call his bluff and watch him back peddle so fast he leaves skid marks

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I hadn't thought of it, but Musk would make a terrific Bond villain.

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This is the most impressive analysis I've ever seen of Musk: The Man, the Myth, the Monster.

Bravo, Dok.

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Call his bluff!

Call his bluff!

Possibly even more than PAB, Musk is driven by the need for everyone to tell him how smart he is. Can you possibly imagine a world where Musk walks away from Tesla and allows someone else to have even a scintilla of success without him. Will. Never. Happen.

Not to mention, if he DOES ever find a Next Big Idea to steal and pretend it was his own, he'll start a new company anyway, so Tesla would have no part of it, and therefore no benefit.

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Love this essay…fuck Ted Cruz, fuck Elon-loser and fuck fucking Texas Rethugs

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So if they don't approve it, he would likely quit, and they'd be forced to try to hire someone who actually focused on the good of the company rather than focused on playing with cat turds? What? catturd? That's a person, not actual cat shit? Oh, okay. So, they could hire a competent CEO who wouldn't constantly bring ridicule to the company for his devotion to fascism, Ketamine, and Beluga cosplay?

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Ta, Dok. So, the bottom line is no mid-priced electric car from the first successful electric car manufacturer in the US, because Elon is skuM.

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Seems like Musky is being compensated for just being Musky. Isn't this basically what Trump wants for all of his troubles? I'll bet he secretly loathes Musk for being better at grifting than he is.

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So the "performance metrics" that FElon was judged upon for his compensation was the stock price. Period, nothing else. And as FElon is a master at the pump and dump whereupon he farts bullshit out of his ass and proclaims it perfume and thereby jazzes up the stock price he got to get paid on the "dump" part of the process without actually having to sell any of his own stock.

ALL of Te$la's purported value is predicated on things that FElon promised that never came true, just like a common Elizabeth Holmes except that he isn't in prison. Making the stock go up because you insist that anyone who doesn't buy a Te$la because it's going to be a robotaxi next year and you will make your money back in the first year of operation is not "performance" unless you really like the kind of blatant lying that PAB has practiced his entire life.

Wait for August 8th where he will stand on stage and proclaim that the "robotaxi" is going to be ready "this year" and they will wheel out a car that won't have a steering wheel and will be controlled by someone offstage using a remote.

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Here's another Cybertruck atrocity, five hours to reboot the computer that runs the damned thing:


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" like when a Tesla on “autopilot” blasts through a T intersection and plows into a cornfield. You know, hypothetically. "

Ah, where arrogance and agriculture...combine.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Someone in our small city has a Cybertruck, and people mock that thing relentlessly on the city FB page. Every time I see it, I cringe. It's like driving a dump truck into town to get groceries.

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Those who think raising the minimum wage, say to $20/hour overvalues what those workers do, may have a point. A payout of 56 billion dollars to Musk would represent only $40/hour.

For every hour since homo sapiens began walking the earth.

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I regret to inform Mr Musk that Cravendale have already beaten him to one of those goals.

Not on our watch, pussies.


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