Its very hard to write a complete and understandable paragraph conveying complex paranoid conspiracy theories when you didn't make it past 3rd grade.

But we have to look past that, the fact that they the author (lolz) has a second grade education gives him (it has to be a him, right?) street cred in the world of Alex Jones (AKA Bill Hicks).

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I'm glad IsIs didn't commit a big NoNo.

On the other hand, I'm very disappointed that this conspiracy theory has not (yet!) managed to tie in Benghazi!1, chemtrails, Sharia law, and the disappearance of Judy Winslow

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You know, if you took a small bit of the money you spend on guns and use it to hire someone who knows HTML, you might actually produce something that doesn't make my browser throw up on contact.

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That there was some Grade-A Authentic lunatic ranting, before it was deleted. Somebody remind me to come back to it in this week's Dear ShitFerBrains, OK?

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I was delighted to see that someone has named this phenomenon: Occam's Duct Tape"

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It must have really chapped his hide that the donor body for his brain transplant was one the Untermenschen.

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I think it's actually really bad meth...

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Everyone knows Hawaii is no more a part of 'Murica than New Mexico is.

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Everybody panic!!!

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Hey Dok, we are still waiting for last Sunday's, "Dear Shit fer Brains," don't leave us hanging!

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Ceiling Cat is watching you masturbate.

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I think someone has a thing for avatars like yours Herr Doktor. You have ways of making them disappear no?

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One day we will listen to the oldsters, they will talk of days lost to the cruel embrace of time and reminisce about an era when something would happen and there wouldn't be 5 conspiracy stories by mid morning....or they will until the Google response force will apprehend them and take them to a secret Google re-edumication center that even a Google search cannot provide the location for...

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No one could EVER accuse me of being a most unsophisticated of persons! I read The Wonkette.

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Does this mean Lance Armstrong will get his medals back?...................

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You have to cut them some slack. They're shifting gears and trying to tie everything to Hillary now. There's so many scandals and coverups with the Clintons(Google them!!11) they can't decide where to start. Give them a chance to get their rhythm.

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