Rush is a parody of himself.

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I have to add once more: Michael J. Nelson from MST3K/Rifftrax is officially the Only Funny Republican.

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"Flag as Inappropriate"?

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If Aisha Hani-Salaam was an apologetic supporter of ISIS would that make it okay, then?

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I'm with you and Steverino. I don't need to have everyone in my life think the way I do, but people that I have no real bond with-and who constantly feel the need to stick their idiocy up your snout...I have been culling as well. Fuck 'em.

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Sadly enough, this could be posted any number of places with all sincerity and no ironic intent, and an hour later the interwebz would be ablaze with this new "fact".

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Speaking of goat blowing.

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Harsh but fair.

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Unless I'm miscounting, that is not an accurate representation of the US flag.

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I'm still trying to figure out how the "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" got turned into "ISIS".

And the ancient Egyptian pre-Christian Goddess isn't amused, either.


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More slightly related, just 'cause I'd like to share this with the Wonketariat. My wife's wingnut cousin posted a long diatribe about states rights including some powerful invective against ignorant liberals, suggesting we get educated and read the Federalist Papers. (Spoiler alert 'cuz, I have.)

Mrs ged, who unlike me is not a horrible person, said "okay" and made with the google. After reading the first two she sent a polite response along the lines of "My reading so far does not support your position, in fact they seem to be arguing directly against such. Could you please explain what in your reading leads you to your conclusion?" That was two years ago, still no response.

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Once in a blue moon I change my profile pic and go full Credible Hulk on someone. It's kind of fun and worthwhile for myself to articulate my position.

It also serves to thin the herd as those who can't handle it self-select out.

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It's historically accurate, but that just makes it make even less sense.

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It's got what plants crave.

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Hey cessnadriver, I bet your brother is a hoot at family functions !! Lol.

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Best baklava I've ever had came from Dearborn.(And I used to live in the Greek part of Toronto.)

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