Put it this way: not every event that causes harm in the transportation world can reasonably be called either a crash or a wreck. A train can derail, a pipeline can burst or leak. The only modal administrations that have wholeheartedly followed NHTSA's crusade to change the language seem to be those that involve highway transportation, so FHWA and FMCSA. Not even FTA, which includes some oversight of transit bus safety, uses crash--they appear to have gone full-on non-judgemental and refer to 'events'.
Language is important to those of us who have to write the reports. It must comply with both Statute and regulation, and must still have some meaning left in it...
Joe Boever was struck while he was on the shoulder of the highway and the drag marks proved it. Ravnsborg's car left the driving lane and drifted onto the shoulder where the accident occurred.
Liz, hit and run is a crime, not an accident. Even if he hit a deer hard enough to put it through his windshield, he should still have stopped. He didn't, likely bc he was drunk.
You use the word accident several times in your post. Morally neutral terms like wreck, collision, or crash are preferable. And in fact, AP Style Guide made this change several years ago.
Why not Chlamydia?
Put it this way: not every event that causes harm in the transportation world can reasonably be called either a crash or a wreck. A train can derail, a pipeline can burst or leak. The only modal administrations that have wholeheartedly followed NHTSA's crusade to change the language seem to be those that involve highway transportation, so FHWA and FMCSA. Not even FTA, which includes some oversight of transit bus safety, uses crash--they appear to have gone full-on non-judgemental and refer to 'events'.
Language is important to those of us who have to write the reports. It must comply with both Statute and regulation, and must still have some meaning left in it...
Event is good,. but somehow seems less descriptive. Derail describes something specific, which is always useful.
Joe Boever was struck while he was on the shoulder of the highway and the drag marks proved it. Ravnsborg's car left the driving lane and drifted onto the shoulder where the accident occurred.
I hear you! And tend to agree. And they get rewarded for their bad behavior, which is against my idea of karma.
I thought she just misspelled Byron, she's not very bright after all.
And a noble name that is too.
This one's number 3 on my best movies ever made list.
Liz, hit and run is a crime, not an accident. Even if he hit a deer hard enough to put it through his windshield, he should still have stopped. He didn't, likely bc he was drunk.
You use the word accident several times in your post. Morally neutral terms like wreck, collision, or crash are preferable. And in fact, AP Style Guide made this change several years ago.
Me, too. Best left un-non-commented upon.
Don't make me hurt you!
Scrolled down to find this before I said it. Hee!
Will love find a way just give it time...
That's Lord Bryon, the famous peot.