You beat me to it fair and square.

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So I love that there's no doubt the person with the big package with the red bow is Republican, because the other one's blah. But, why is the Republican not standing up straight?

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Your major confusion is caused by assuming that it actually <em>means</em> anything. The faithful will see it, think "Obama sucks", and that will be all. The entire conservative movement is built on meaningless symbolism, nothing they say even makes sense, let alone has factual basis. It's a purely Luntzian enterprise.

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Chris Christie?

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Funny that you chose to critique the American boat. The German boat makes even less visual sense to me.

Yeah, you just have to remember the cartoonist is a conservative, and then you'll understand why he did not question Dick Morris' nonsense.

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Yes, lots and lots and lots of money. On multiple occasions, stretching back years now.

Also too, <a href="http:\/\/www.bloomberg.com\/apps\/news\?pid=newsarchive&amp\;sid=an0ME5IcV5bY" target="_blank">this</a>.

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So, this would suggest he <i>wasn't</i> a santorummer?

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mr fuflans just walked by and said "everyone knows the old saying the about the peashooter and the giant kangaroo. duh."

mr fuflans makes me laugh so know i will make him grilled cheese.

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Walt Kelly just died again.

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yes but by conflating egyptian building and burial practices (and throwing in a pinch of ottoman cruelty) i was hoping to create republican fan fiction.

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all of ancient history is a public works project when you think about it.

and why we can't have nice things.

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I see it as distracted by shiny baubles while Santorum is focused on the important stuff. Not sure what qualifies as distractions and what is important to Dicky and Ricky, though.

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I read that first as Lindsey Graham swallowgram.

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They choke the lifeblood out of patriotic pyramid schemes.

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the egyptians didn't build those things by themselves.

they had slave help and then they killed them.

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i hope no one ever asks dick morris what's in that toy shop.

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