Another bigoted, stupid git.

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Can we all agree that the phrase "founding fathers" is susceptible to more than one interpretation? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I don't see representation as a diminution of sovereignty? (like, NATO) More important is polities controlling their own form of government including elections, even federal elections, and having their own unappealable code of laws. I see the principal formal difference is that the Tribes have enrolled members (personal) whereas the states have residents (situational). The REAL difference of course is that the states are US and the reservations are THEM.

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Once they saw TFG it was all over.

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If God isn’t white and male, why did he make this beautiful natural phenomenon look like it does? What are the chances something so amazing was just a natural occurrence, scientists?

Yeah, I thought so.

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We’ll have the rest in two weeks.

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Face it, republinazi's can't hide their bigotry. The difference is that now, they don't even try.

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Four trips to the Caribbean and he never figured out that he wasn't savaging India.

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As far as I'm concerned, the use of "Native American" in the bill would not diminish the bigotry of this document.

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Actually, I believe that last line. I'm pretty sure this bill was intended to make the Native Americans look bad, not him.

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At the risk of being overly-pedantic: "What was native civilization like" should be "What were native civiliazations like"... the peoples of the Americans being no more a monolithic cultural group than those of Asia, Europe, or Africa.

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That is the word preferred by most US citizens of indigenous descent, for better or worse.

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This a-hole is watching too much Yellowstone.

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I apologize for my state, it's filled with fuckheads and they're getting worse.

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Regier told the AP that the resolution had actually been written by Mark Agather, a rightwing activist from Kalispell, near the Flathead Reservation in the western part of the state.

I got ten bucks that says either dude, or a family member, has a real estate business in that part of the world.

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