Why shouldn't Judge Balls and Strikes show up? He got what he wanted - gutting the Voting Rights Act.

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Our "president" will be a joke. A punchline. And it has not even begun.

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Yeah, think about it; throughout the Universe, across 14 billion years at least, this could only have happened here and now. Think about that, what special luck we have to see it first-hand. (The glass is half-full!!)

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It'll be Alaska, at least at first.

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Seriously, steam locomotives are perfect for exploiting the heat that could be provided by a thorium cycle reactor, or possibly a polywell fusor. Or maybe even LENR technology.

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Oh, so that's what Sarah Palin's new cabinet position is going to be . . .

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Wait a second! You mean to tell me we don't deal with drilling permits here! Who's doing that? Goddammit! Zinke! Fucking Montana jerks taking all my fun stuff!

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HAHAHA! Got a total snort over the keyboard. Or is it "...and the third fail-safe to make sure we don't accidentally deploy a weapon over California is.... uh....."

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everyone thinks it's quite humorous to donate money in Pence's name. I understand your snark but given the circumstances (I admit I am touchy about this shit lately) lightly suggesting we hand over names to Pence doesn't seem very funny right now. the guy is already locking up women already for reasons unfathomable to most people. I have no reason to believe he won't do his damnedest to kill the pro-choice movement deader than a door nail by making it illegal to be involved or donating to it or, I don't know, standing within a 20 block radius of a PP location without a bloody fetus sign in your hands. I find this subject impossible to fap to.

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I'm afraid for climate scientists. Will they have to relocate to study their chosen field? This makes me afraid for NASA also,too.

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Trump & co don't want to harm scientists, they just would like them to spend a few years in the "countryside".

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I like Bernie very much, but tons of his enthusiasts sat on their asses and didn't vote in crucial states. They loudly bragged about this all over the Internet, because they found Hillary so reprehensible. You could not miss their crowing pleasure in their declaration they would never vote for Hillary, on principle. They seem really fucking quiet now, I must say.

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This just in:

In an uncharacteristic moment of transparency, the Trump transition team announced that the Department of Energy will be changed to the Department of Oil and Coal.

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Government climate scientists are working furiously to transfer all their data to a non-government server that Trump won't be able to touch.

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I worked with a guy like that. Got a degree in mathematics, became born again, and started arguing evolution was a hoax because it couldn't continue to work in a closed system like our world.

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