"Discrimination" means not lending to a protected class - say women, minorities, and applicants from other groups. Lenders don't pick and choose winners - lenders, at least those who want to stay in business, do determine good credit risks based on a variety of factors. There should be ample private equity available for sound energy extraction projects - heck, those investors get some pretty sweet tax benefits not open to those who sponsor other types of businesses. If the suspender-snappers at Goldman say "No thanx" it probably isn't a very attractive opportunity.

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He's not in any way comparing them, he's just talking about ways they are similar. Why can't you libtard morons see that?

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Buried in a Ukrainian backyard somewhere.

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Does everyone get a share?

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milo minderbinder sez "Hi"

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The issue is that Republicans don't know the difference between an inherited characteristic and a chosen characteristic. They belief Trump earned his wealth by inheriting it from his father, and that people who grow up with poor parents choose to do so.

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Isn't spokeshack up the road apiece from loveshack?


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only the best and brightest amirite?

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Spokeshack is actually down the road from Radio Shack. Loveshack is on the Atlanta highway.

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999,999 times out of 1 million, if your name is Shaylyn, you grew up in some family so fundamentalist Christian and redneck (but I repeat myself) your parents thought being black is the curse of Cain and that "taking Jesus out of schools" is the reason for campus shootings, not guns.

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No, that's the Spockshack.

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So that's why there were wildfires at Chernobyl and release of massive amounts of radiation in said wildfires.If only Perry were alive to half, quarter, not fill a stadium with Christians to pray away the drought.

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Would you be totally astonished to learn that his is she?


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It came to me as I was writing. Divine intervention I believe.

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(my ex thought he was singing "gunning down the old man with the transistor radio.")

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