Agreed. They practically handed him that job he can't handle, and now they're ALL like mean girls unfriending each other on FB. However, consequences of POTUS going Heather could be quite dire. Nice job keeping the lid on, Melanoma.

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I blame this whole mess on the media. They know Donald watches TV 12 hours a day, yet they refuse to issue warnings before saying something negative about him. Or, they could just be reasonable and only use words of praise and adoration. It really is all their fault.

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Better than the Faux magazine covers, IMO, is the replica historical site plaque he had erected at his GC on the Potomac. It commemorates in detail a battle which never took place there, and dramatically recalls how the dead from both sides turned the nearby waters into a "river of blood". Likely as not, Mitch McConnell has probably already dedicated the bronze marker at the site of the Bowling Green Massacre.

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What actually did he get done?

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Is that why one of you nut jobs tried to take out some GOP'rs ?

You lost, let it go!

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Jeebus, I'm in MA with all the Democratic lovelies...but there was a new-ish person in the local paper today who claimed that he (I'm assuming HE) could see a small cut in Mika's neck (i.e. below her face. OY.) that proved that she had plastic surgery. He did admit that she wasn't BLEEDING like a stuck pig in the picture. ....My head is exploding as a result of all of this.You are the best people EVER on this site, but I just don't know how you survive Kentucky, Oklahoma, etc.... And it's okay if you rip my head off for saying that. I'm a "coastal elite"....Cuz I'm off to check if my 1998 Toyota starts....it's rather pesky, that car.

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i THINK she's wearing semi permanent. they apply by hand and last many weeks. Michelle O wears them all the time.

They make you look 10X prettier almost immediately.

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Lady MS: Can't shed this thought, so I'll share it w/fellow Wonkers in all its non-PC splendor...Was avid Morning Joe fan for the first few years. They lured interesting guests, loved Willie & Barnacle and the jovial political chat. Upon closer scrutiny, however, several aspects of the show finally made it unwatchable. Joe spent a brief time in Congress, ended when a dead intern in his office made it time for him to 'spend more time with his family'. Nonetheless, EVERY sentence began: "When I was in the House...", as though he'd written the fucking Magna Carta during his tenure. In addition, I was not alone in being appalled by the obsequious Mika, yielding and fawning at every utterance and 'shut up' glare he cast her way. At first, chalked it up to her having been raised in a home with foreign-born, intellectual father & all brothers. Over time, as I discussed with numerous female co-workers, she became nothing more than Howard Stern's Robin, a lovely, doting foil.Found it pretty demoralizing, and returned to my a.m. default position - C-SPAN.This having been said in no way exculpates clueless, terrified, sociopathic Donald, or for that matter, other serial misogynists...such as Joe, and his old House buddy, Newt, et.al. It is simply that Mika has, quite publicly and for years, been the sort of enabler that has propagated yet another generation - see KellyAnne, Sarah, and any bimbette who has occupied a Faux couch. When it was in her (their) interests, both Joe and Mika vaunted this sick fuck into office. When resistance started trending and/or they began to lose access to their cash cow, they suddenly 'saw the light', like a murderer finding Jesus in jail. Trump's behavior in office demeans our image and endangers our democracy - not to mention security on the world stage. Nonetheless, if he does go down, I hope it is over something of greater import than disrespecting his fan club. There - I feel much better now. Will drop you a check next month, 'trix, as chat therapy ain't free.

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Well, she'll have to go to her Old Testament God for that: Exodus 21:24 - But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.…

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I remember reading that Bill Clinton had a habit of waking people up at 3 a.m. to find out whether the Korean cod fishing treaty was ratified before the European Common Market was formed, or some such detail, because he was still up getting his policy wonk on.

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Oh, I hope not. I like to think he gives her his undivided attention.

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Nobody knew elections could be so complicated.

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Moi scuze mon ami

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You're all looking at this wrong. Herr Drumpf is simply getting in the mood for the 4th of July by being revolting. He keeps the spirit of the holiday throughout the year.

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No, but every time I see him and Tom Price on the telly, I see them in wigs, and makeup, bejeweled a la June Cleaver.

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Ben Sasse, I completely agree with you: This is NOT normal. When will the rest of the GOP say that? And then, having said that, get rid of the guy as per the Constitution because he is utterly incompetent to hold office and seriously off his rocker.

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