^^^^ This. I mean, I've been vegan for decades, but that doesn't mean I'm boycotting meat, dairy, and eggs. It just means I'm vegan.

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Meh, everyone's forgotten about that. Who cares about Bush anymore?

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It's just so fucking undignified, and in a mean, gross, nasty way. Not like the embarrassing hijinks of Bush, who was stupid and clumsy and talked like an adolescent, but who didn't intentionally humiliate and curse people. This fucker is bent on humiliating the entire world just so he can feel big.

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Dylann Roof. George Zimmerman. The entire Bundy family.

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He has an electric warmer for his short dick? Is that what you meant?

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Yes, it's powered by a single AAAA battery.

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I like "Putin's Puppet" Hits him where it hurts, his ego. It delegitimatizes his presidency. And bonus points for alliteration.

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The Eighth Amendment will keep us from doing that. Assuming the GOP doesn't repeal it.

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Tried not to be too obvious about it, but yeah. That scene will be playing in my head for the next four years.

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I'm sure someone will bring a Q-Tip.

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The Kochs and the Kushners?

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You know what's overrated? Donnie's win, Donnie's party, Donnie's TV show, Donnie's looks, Donnie's merchandise, Donnie's family, Donnie's bank account, Donnie's speeches, Donnie's tweets, Donnie's buildings, Donnie's deals...

I'll wager Donnie's term will also be drastically overrated.

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"no puppet...no puppet...you're the puppet!"

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