I imagine they'd still take a shitload of tenderizer to be halfway edible.

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That's why I have nothing but contempt for the Koch Brothers. They inherited billions from their father, and, instead of recognizing the trends that were already upon us and investing in green tech R&D so they could glom onto all those valuable patents, they piss their billions away trying to protect the oil industry even though it's going the way of the dodo no matter what they do.

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Remember Dick Cheney's 1% policy?As it pertains to terrorism, if there was a 1% possibility of something happening, you had to prepare as if there was 100% chance of it happening.

I'd think the extermination of all large mammals on the planet due to catastrophic climate change warrants that same level of preparedness.

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When the Bush Administration said "we determine history" what they meant was:

"ANYTHING Rich White Christians believe is true. Full stop."

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Clean coal is still in the ground, and stays there.

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If it's Trump, it's OK.

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"One of the problems that a lot of people like myself — we have very high levels of intelligence, but we’re not necessarily such believers. You look at our air and our water and it’s right now at a record clean. But when you look at China and you look at parts of Asia and when you look at South America, and when you look at many other places in this world, including Russia, including – just many other places — the air is incredibly dirty. And when you’re talking about an atmosphere, oceans are very small. And it blows over and it sails over. I mean, we take thousands of tons of garbage off our beaches all the time that comes over from Asia. It just flows right down the Pacific, it flows, and we say where does this come from. And it takes many people to start off with."-- Donald "stable genius" Trump, when asked about Climate Change

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They also get to shut up about Bill Clinton.

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MsJanet@MsJanet222 and Anjelika@Steeck12 have 1 follower each. Are they stalking each other?

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See, that's just what these climate "scientists" do! Spin, spin, spin!

It's perfectly clear that this is the coolest year in the last four! We've passed peak warming, obviously! Things can only get better from here! Let us all tend our gardens, in this best of all possible worlds!


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Considering how Texas influences textbook choices, they should probably just fuck right off.

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Hope for the best, plan for the worst.A stitch in time saves nineAn ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cureWTF?!?

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He's breached my Outer Zone of Indifference, the busturd.

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We can usually find work for people who'll lift and tote.

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Envy me then - I can make TWO purr, at will. Assuming they hold still. Right now they're playing drag racer in the front hall, again.

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