The one with the healthcare. The worst.

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Ah. Bureau of Standards, huh?

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If we still had "comment of the day" this would be it. Maybe we will, in fact, but tomorrow. Or not! My memory is pretty dodgy. But damn good comment, would upvote if my upvoter worked.

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Your Milaje may vary.

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Those zany conservatives! Always with the jokes!

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Look, when right-wingers say "we're un-PC" we know what they mean is "we think demeaning jokes about women and minorities are hilarious". It means the same when lefties and liberals say it, unfortunately. You CAN have edgy and transgressive humour without trans-bashing. Evan manages it in his posts.

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He was in real danger at Disneyland. There was an obviously dangerous black guy lurking around in the Hall of Presidents.

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I'm a big supporter of trans activist Sophie Labelle (check out her comic Assigned Male, it's awesome!). A few days ago she posted that the daily death and rape threats she receives were getting her down. DAILY she has people directly contacting her - HER, not her staff, because she doesn't have one - to say they want to kill and/or rape her. Others urge her to kill herself. Every single day. Because she stands up to say "Hey, trans people are people and deserve basic human rights".

Scott Pruitt wants first-class travel and a 24/7 security detail because he - a supposed public servant who is enthusiastically fucking up the environment he's charged with protecting - has people generally saying they don't like or support him. What a chicken shit. He wouldn't last a day against the bullshit Sophie has to face.

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But we're the snowflakes.

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Right! He may be the prince of evil, but there are some things that Satan wouldn't do. Registering R is one of them. He's got standards.

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Daww that's really touching. I am but a simple werewoof stating the truth of existing on the internet as a lady.

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Bureau of Low Standards?

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As a former member of the monkey wrench gang, I approve this post.

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Wait a minute... that's the same as FDF's picture on the Twitter machine! Has anyone seen those two in the same room at the same time?

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