built the aqueducts?

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"Effective immediately"?????

usually, when an agency is proposing new rules, they have to publish them in the National Register for public comment for 30 days*. they can't just change the rules and hope no one paid attention. they have to publish the proposed rules for 30 days and hope no one pays attention. I smell a class action lawsuit.

*we are still waiting for the rules for the $7.4 billion in CDBG-DR funding for Harvey, Irma, Maria and the CA wild fires to be published in the National Register. they're saying they might get it up there by January. note that two of those major disasters occurred AFTER the funding was appropriated by Congress.

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Fuck these assholes. That is all.

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He and DeVos are running neck and neck for "Dismantler of the Year"

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Science reports Gilman comes from “Covanta, a New Jersey company that handles waste, including incinerating waste to produce energy.”

Columbus, Ohio went that route in the 80's. "Trashburning Power Plant" has become a shortcut among residents with long memories for a government project that costs way too much and does way too little.

The plant, of course, no longer exists.

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There's a problem? When I masturbate, I never set down my shrimp cocktail.

Wait. That sounds way dirtier than I meant it.

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Doesn't it mean advocating for something not in the interests of our corporate masters?

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our air is too clean for optimum health?!? well, i guess there are way too many impoverished humans for corporations optimum health. they only want those who can afford to purchase their products to survive. a group that is shrinking every day. and, as we all know, pollution affects the poor first, and more acutely.

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Well those who believe in that can just do that only to themselves. I mean if they are right they will get better immunity, and if they are wrong, no one else will mind.

It's a win win.

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I am still waiting for ShadowRun's future history to start coming to pass, with the exception of the cool bits like magic and elves: Corporations, having been declared "people" with 1st Amendment rights, get granted 2nd Amendment rights and given permission to form their own armies to protect their interests both here and abroad. Which will soon be followed by private corporations taking over police services for whoever can afford them. And then the federal government becoming largely irrelevant except for the military being used to destabilize countries that have resources the corporations want to obtain. It just seems like we're getting closer to that shit all the time these days.

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I was hoping this would start happening. (I was looking for the open thread, but this will do, having to do with environment and all.)PR continuing electricity problems are being helped by (ta da...) Elon Musk. He has got one hospital set up on solar power. We can hope for more to come.Can we hope that the Trump admins' incompetence and venality can lead to an actual improvement in USA alternative energy prospects?https://www.dailykos.com/st...

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This is why Pruitt needs a massive security force: he's deliberately killing us alll for a few death-industry bucks.

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Let's send Robert Phalen back in time to about 5 years ago, and leave him in Beijing, China. That ought to be just dirty enough.


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Coming back, and pissed off that we didn't pay attention

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