By "regulating" they now mean "encouraging".

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The uptalk is spreading (I first knew it as sheila-speak, because its origin in Australian). Lots of young techies, male and female, indulge in it now.

I can imitate it; I can parody vocal fry, but to me it always sounds stupid, ridiculous, uneducated, infantile (I mean no infant libel), adolescent, puerile, jejune and totally unwelcome.

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The terms of use for non-commenting on Wonkette include not making untrue statements about people.

To avoid risking controversy and legal troubles, therefore, I will not say that Liz Bowman is a bigmouthed, ugly-hearted, fat-assed, emotional cripple who emotionally abuses her children and physically abuses her pet. Or that her parents never loved her, and everybody says she is an asshole.

Not going to say any of those things.

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Goes across the back, curved sweep, about 30 degrees up from lower left to right shoulder, two lines, as close to three inches tall as we can make it.

Can't get the clicks if nobody can read the headlines!

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....and hot dogs, and marshmallows.

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See, much as I appreciate creative profanity, sooner or later you gotta take off the rage goggles and do some analysis. They suck in a very specific way. They were essentially tailored to the demands of Fox viewers. To stop them, we have to understand and use this.

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So, everybody's job in DC is now, not doing what it says on the door, but screeching at anyone who asks what they're doing?I think the government's just been drowned in that bathtub at last.

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Good.Because saying those things would be bad.So don't.

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Among others.

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They DO work for him, and the people who own him. They're just too chickenshit to come out and admit it.

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Mmm, that hint of complex hydrocarbons!

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Elitist clickbait? You just described Pruitt

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Maillard ain't got nothin' on a good chemical fire!

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Sadly I think you are right.

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The kakistocracy is just marching right along isn't it?

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And always at least two out of the three .

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