Smells like a pork farm?

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Most of us are slaves anyways. We are squabbling over which slave group gets more privilege than the other.

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I'd rather be a Nobel Laureate.Rock Stars are typically not high performing scientists, and well, their not impressive to me. I do have respect for the artistic talent and do not believe they deserve meager lives to produce art for society. They don't deserve opulent wealth however...definitely not more than an intelligent scientist who is as impartial and objective as possible.

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Perfect....the global warming should please them

Is that why they want to pump all that CO2 into the air? to make it more comfortable for their bosses?

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Lets make it ten times higher instead.

I bet they would think that is better.

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I'm filing a Gold claim where these oathkeepers are very active in my state.

I'm wondering if they will have a problem with a dirty little Bernie voter hauling off the Gold they say the big bad gubmint won't let them mine (because they are dumb and don't know how to make a mining plan of operations that properly respects the Coho Salmon habitat and other forest habitats). I'm thinking my plan can make the habitat superior and increase the rate of return significantly on a very small portion of creek.

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Old World Order is privilege.


Sadly (to those who hate merit or NWO), I thought of my self as Illuminati NWO a decade ago before I discoverd this meritocracy. It is really strange to me as nothing matches me better. Sometimes I wonder if I was molded into this configuration by outsiders I never knew. I've observed parallels in others independently with some strikingly similar experiences (mostly not people I meet or know, but rather people on the net).

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Bwahahahaha! You know they'll come up with some other new BS spin along with a new spinmeister to spin more certified nonsense,lol.

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*clap clap clap* LOL!

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There was an alt-right protest in Lansing, Mich about two weeks ago---a group called Act Over America, or whatever, was having it. So a bunch of us activists/anti-alt-right protestors came up from Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing itself, and various other places around Michigan to counter these folks. We were told that they were protesting against Sharia law (which isn't even recognized in this country,btw) and that they were going to use that as an excuse to go march through a neighborhood of refugees and hassle them. We showed up and confronted them near a main road----we were on one side, they were on the other. They yelled insults at us and called us some damn Communists, stupid-a** liberals, and all that. A lot of us clapped right back at them with insults,too.

What tripped me out about the other group was that at least 6 or 7 of them were armed with actual guns. At least two of them had rifles----one standing at least 5 feet from us had one with an actual scope on it. I asked what type of rifle it was, and was told it was an AR-15. Some of the folks with guns were dressed from head to toe in military fatigues and looked as if they'd just stepped off a plane back from Iraq. I wondered why the hell they felt the need to even bring guns to a peaceful protest, other than to intimidate us and make themselves feel all powerful and threatening. I don't know if they were supposed to be this alt-right group's security, or what. I hollered at the one guy with the rifle, asking him why he needed to bring a gun there when clearly none of us on our side (as far as I know) were armed. He was an old white dude strapped from head to toe in army fatigues. All he did was put up his hand to his ear and say, "I'm not hearing anything but some noise," basically blowing me the hell off. I just snapped back, "Oh, so you're not hearing me,then?" I thought that was real stupid on his part--it wouldn't have killed him to answer the damn question---these same folks were carrying around signs proclaiming they were patriots and all of that. Then another white dude tried to talk to me from their side, and I just yelled over him saying that he had nothing to say to me, plus he could forget trying to tell me to be nice. Another thing---our side was a very diverse group of people---black,white, Arab, there were also a couple of Muslims who had joined us. The anti-Sharia group was majority white, with only literally one person of color standing in the middle--armed,apparently. I was trying to process the fact that he was even there with the other group---the fact that he was the only black (or biracial person,period) in this group should have told him something,but, nope, he was smack dab in the middle of it. Anyway, the young guy who'd first told me and my group about the alt-right march was handing out flyers that told people to watch out for this wanna-be Nazi who was trying to start up a group of his own wherever he went. I asked where this wanna-be Nazi was, and the young dude pointed to a guy across the barrier and said he was the one with the handkerchief tired around his face. I didn't see this, but I heard later that someone had given the wanna-be Nazi that same flyer about himself, and he got mad and threw it down because he knew he'd been busted right there on the spot,lol. Anyway, after about 3 hours or so, the march quietly broke up. I didn't like the fact that the other group brought their guns there---I didn't think they should have even been allowed to bring guns there,period. They weren't going hunting, and they weren't at target practice, so there was no need to bring them in the first damn place. But, of course, had they been told that, they would have been the first ones to holler and throw a fit about their rights as gun owners. All in all, the march was pretty successful (on our part, at least.) and folks left unharmed, thank goodness (we were told by the organizers not to walk alone anywhere, and to stay in pairs or groups, for safety's sake.) Plus it was a nice day. But,yeah, the alt-night people who feel so emboldened to come out with their racism since trumpf's in office need to be checked anywhere they show the hell up,period.

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an unpleasant mess in the tightie-whities

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We can hope!

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From pictures of the Sunday events, it was close.

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Lol, kid, do your parents know that you're on their computer?

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keith richards. that boy has fun.

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Dammit! I won't be licking any lamp posts in cold weather either, should you be about to caution me on that one.

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