The part I like is when the recruiter joined in.

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I thought it was 3 times.Dumb,dumber,dumbest.

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From the state that produced Joe McCarthy.

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I think so

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I can understand

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Some more insight into the values, viewpoints and mentality of Scott Walker and the Wisconsin GOP legislators:

July 4, 2015: A gambit of Scott Walker and the Wisconsin GOP lawmakers: adding a measure to a proposed budget bill that weakens Wisconsin's open records laws by exempting nearly everything created by state and local government officials.

The effort to gut some of the strongest state open records laws in the country was a collaboration between Walker's "office" and the Wisconsin GOP legislators. The measure was anonymously added on the 4th of July weekend to ensure minimal media coverage and to lessen the public fallout, but the measure attracted attention and generated negative reaction pretty quickly. [1]

Update July 5, 2015: It seems Scott Walker and the Wisconsin GOP lawmakers have abandoned plans to disembowel Wisconsin's open records laws. [2]

Update July 23, 2015: The public and political outrage over Walker and friends' attempt to gut Wisconsin's open records laws died down, and Scott Walker's administration now says the public has no right to some records on key issues. [3]

Update: July 29, 2015: The interaction between Gov. Scott Walker and the Wisconsin GOP legislators regarding the attempt to gut the WI open records laws is a little clearer; pulling Wisconsin's public records has become somewhat like pulling teeth. [4]

[1] http://www.huffingtonpost.c...[2] http://www.jsonline.com/new...[3] http://www.jsonline.com/new...[4] http://www.jsonline.com/new...

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He's like if Tucker Carlson had a baby with Tucker Carlson.

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I swear there is not a single published photo of Walker anywhere in which he looks anything but really STUPID.

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Something something the end justifies the means something something .Sigh!

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thank you for using the word "STUPID" instead of "retarded".

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To be fair, they also sent Russ Feingold to the Senate...and LaFollette was a great liberal back in the day. There is no such thing as "Wisconsin". It is a schizophrenic bifurcated construct, consisting of Madison, Milwaukee--and mostly Mississippi in between.

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Ida know. I had some Brussel sprouts last night and let me tell ya....

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it'll be ok, MHA...rauner gonna get dick-punched (with court decisions) on this one

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I know.

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Oh, so it was YOU? That's okay then. I understand.

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Scott Walker and Wisconsin since 2010 was the precursor for Donald Trump and the USA since Jan 2017.I used to be a proud Wisconsinite, now I spend most of my time working to unseat these horrible humans.

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