They only care about Israel because the Rupture is supposed to start there.

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Panicking about how many years he's going to be spending in Gen Pop will do that to you.

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Her and jared are as jewish as I am.

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Giggling couch tumors.

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56 years, and I only have to shave every 3 days. I never want to grow a beard.

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Er...um....swing and a miss!

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GASP! You mean there are people who AREN'T????

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They gotta do something with the slime oozing from their pores.

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Eric? Think?

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Yes, that verse is not rhetorical- we MUST sing our's and the Lord's song in a foreign and (doing it as we type here).That is how we breathe (even "air from other planets" as Shönberg has Pierrot sing in his private diaspora).Our grandparents came from far away with songs (sometimes flutes and fiddles) in tow in order to do just that.World music soetimes brings the songs tgether Yiddish theater is just ne example of sharing- which , rather than Balkaize a foreign-brn cmmunity actually helps intergrate.In the 16th and 17th centuries there were more Spanish opera house, concert halls, libraries and even universities in Spain's Ameriican colonies than back at home in highly cultural Spain.Ditto, USAmerican current culture- our exports (like jazz and deconstructionist poetry and prose) is much more popular outside of our bubble than within (jazz! ; blues! ; First Nation (Indian) cultural goods; Keroac and Pound & Eliot!- imagine!)Britsh culture was condensed into football and Cricket and Tennis and Golf etc- spread worldwide and now the Brits take mere second place trophies home. The Psalms did not stay exclusive goods for the Jews very long- they are world property.(We here (plural) are ex pats and proud to claim songs and stuff of our various homeands while learning the news ones here in our exiles and new homes.

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thank you for that complete explanation. It kind of reminded me of Psalm 134: How shall we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land?

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Oh, I'm sure they do!

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That was the best line...

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Oh Derpy Trump, you and Junior are the worst ones Donnie squirted out. I wonder what Eric thinks about current events......said no one in the history of ever.

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He also reminds of Koukol from Polanskis vampire flick ... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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