too bad we can't send them to prison on that alone like Martha Stewart was on less. However, Mencken aside, no one ever got imprisoned for lying to the American People.

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also if you have syphilis or malaria

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"We're owl exterminators!"

(I know, Igner libel.)

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"Constipated pig face" yeah, that captures it nicely.

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Pinkie Pie always bucks the rules.

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"This Dodson guy had better not keep talking about the confidential financial info Eric Trump shared with him in South Carolina."

Dok, did you mean Charlotte, North Carolina?

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Obvi fake news. Trumps never play golf ever.

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Fucking loser fucks. DIAF Trumps. I hate those assholes.

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I think the moron one.

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Ivanka ain't no bright bulb either. Jared is a idiot.

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Tiny ones, yes.

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I don't either. Okay, I could pontificate, and it sure is tempting to pontificate on a matter that so many people so obviously got wrong, but I don't really know. Part of the reason is probably that those same working class people wanted a lot of government functionaries fired (and wanted a wall built and foreigners of tan or brown colour kept out) and actually thought he'd keep his word -- despite his record of never keeping it to anybody, including the women he married.And maybe more than anything else, they are afraid of how much the world has changed and how much it's still changing, and hoped he'd take them all back to a time that never really existed, a Happy Days time where the closest thing to a rebel is The Fonz -- who actually buddies up with middle class white dads and always speaks for the establishment in the last scene.They kidded themselves that Trump wouldn't damage the country or do anything to hurt THEM. So screw everybody else.Oh, cripes. Maybe venting that was something of a relief, but I still don't understand.

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Wait, um...That's a trick question, right?

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Yep, lol.

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While I also too believe the above about Eric - and his dad, I was going for the Dodson/Datsun confusion. I mean, if you say them real fast three times when you are drunk they sound just alike.

Just wanted to clear that up. I strive for 100% Acura-cy in my posts, ya know.

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......? Don't we all?.....

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