I'm sure Lori and her McLaren P1/Land Rover Range Rover driving roomates are ON IT.

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Something tells me we will never see Deadbeat Donnie's taxes. Forbidden fruit because, you know, he's a patriot and such.

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Or kill the kids so noone's left to bully.

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I was thinking the same thing! Eric Trump's face makes my skin crawl the way it does when movies like Sophie's Choice zoom in to show those knee-hi Nazi riding boots....they click their heels....and I want to pee or cry. Eric Trump (and his even uglier brother) has a very scary Nazi face. Cold and the smile never reaches the eyes! I believe those boys have legit Nazi uniforms they dress up in, perhaps with Bannon, and they march around their mansions, pretend to rape their wives or ladies hired for the purpose....Ivanka could not play so she married her own prisoner. They are far too authentic in those roles......Eric's eyes are cold, evil. Don Jr. is even uglier, w/all those teeth...mean and cruel, empty of anything human or warm. I can't believe Eric has not had surgery to make that face seem nice, friendly, relateable. or at least less cruel.

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With votes!

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Oh. Wow.

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George Michael was a charitable guy - http://www.factmag.com/2016...

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First, Teen Vogue, now Mad Magazine.

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I...actually feel a bit sorry for Barron.

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You speak my mind. They are a scary bunch.

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Yep, they are going to make mistakes, due to their greed and what Bub says above. I hope it will be a bad enough fuckup that it can't be ignored by even the shit-heels in the House. I'm not holding my breath, but even they have limits. We will see. Fuck.

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What kind of "doctor" thinks it's ethical to perform plastic surgery on babies??? I'm no doctor, but I do have children & I've watched their faces change over the last 10 yrs. If you're concerned that your baby has a "big nose" or "big ears", you probably shouldn't be a parent & these doctors shouldn't have medical licences.

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When you're raised to believe the world revolves around you...you will grow up to be a pretty horrible person.

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I was thinking the same thing as I was seething with rage that people actually think a baby needs plastic surgery

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