There was that bit about the disciple whom Jesus loved.

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THIS IS THE BEST IDEA EVER, <a href="http:\/\/s12.postimg.org\/499zl6it9\/erickson_Shaming.jpg" target="_blank">SO IT BECAME REAL.</a>

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I bet he gets to choose what evidence he'll accept.

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Beautifully done, Gleem.

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<i>that which perverts God’s own established plan</i>

The Bible says that one of Jesus's ancestors, King David, had eight wives and about a thousand concubines. How long ago did "Gods plan" begin?

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How convenient that the bigot's "God" believes in exactly everything that they do.

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I would like to propose a new internet meme: change the text on the sign being held up in the photo at the top of this post, in the manner of Dog Shaming. Only simple Photoshop skills required.

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