Unless there is a radical shift in how the middle class and poor respond to the machinations of corporate america, it's more like, Single payor: Ain't gonna happen today, ain't gonna happen tomorrow, ain't gonna happen forever.

(sorry...I'm in a pissy mood today.)

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Ocelots make lousy pets, ask Cheryl (Carol) Tunt .

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Boom! Ping! Pow!

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Dude, I worked there on election night 2000, was there until I went home about 1am, when Gore was the winner. That was certainly a UFITA - look it up- the next morning.

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You need to check out Adventure Time on cartoon network. It is drug induced, and awesome, a world with no adults, princesses, death, drugs like DMT, fantasy. And I am watching Stephen Fry swim with manatees on PBS now, pretty cool

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I don't know what this means, but I like.

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Laila Ali's on line 2, she'd like a word.

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I've found Erin Burnett to be a disingenuous bitch ever since that time we saw her squeegee Wolf Blitzer's rectum walls with her tongue on <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/454976\/ows-protesters-drown-out-idiot-cnn-anchor-in-las-vegas-video" target="_blank">live tv.</a>

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Hey, it's a clusterfuck that forces big pharma to eliminate the donut hole out of their own pockets, at least for a while, and spends hundreds of billions of dollars on providing the poor with coverage paid for mostly by introducing the shocking notion that Medicare should reward improving patient outcomes rather than performing more procedures.

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If that song wasn't by Joey Ramone, it'd be cringeingly lame. The lyrics are what you'd expect of a 13 year old, and the music is something he must've banged out in about two minutes in his sleep, it's so formulaic.

But it's Joey Ramone so it's cool.

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Ooooooo, me!me!me!me!me! I know this one! Pick me!

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Crazy bitch is crazy. She needs to join Ingraham, Cupp, and the others for a Fox version of The View.

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So that's what Sarah Palin sounded like when she was younger...

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Engaged to a CitiGroup exec. No conflict of interest there at all.

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Money Honey libel!

Oh wait, factual accuracy is an absolute defense in libel cases, isn't it?

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A tiger in America's bathroom? That's got to be an improvement over all those schools of brown trout.

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