yeah, these fuckers are shameless whores wrapped in the flag for their fascist agenda

i think i remember reading an interview with Kap where he said that the reason he decided to kneel as his protest was because he talked with a couple veterans before he did it, and asked what would be a way to protest the issue he's concerned with (police killings) without being disrespectful...and the vets suggested that he kneel

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ESPN ratings are down because they ruin every sport they get their hands on...their announcers and play-by-play people (of which they have WAY too many for every event) are the worst, they have games scheduled at the worst times, they've taken sunday afternoon baseball games and scheduled them for sunday nite...fuck ESPN, i hope they go down flamin...also, THAT CORD-CUTTING THING

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and once again, this fucking crazed criminal asshole trump has won, because he has created chaos and division...he has to go, now, before it's too late...situations are not fixable when there is a chaos agent whose only mission is to destroy and revel in the destruction...his insane insatiable ego thrives on watching the world burn around him, i really hope robert mueller understands this and gets his ass in gear, because we will not survive this as a nation much longer

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True and very nicely put.

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Black, check. Working in a way that causes long term harm to their bodies, check. Two Scoops unable to count to three, check. I think that proves it.

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Pfffft! Logic and common sense don't exist! Fairytales.

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I won't be the first to say this (it won't be the first time I'VE said it), but if Elliot, Prescott and etc. all took a knee, Jerry Jones would be inclined to shut his hot-dog hole about benching star players, because his team would plummet to the bottom of the standings. What a jackass.

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Nothing says "respect the flag" like stuffing yer sweaty nuts into a pair of Betsy Ross underoos. Kiss my scrawny ass you holy moly faux patriot Republican shitbirds.

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What channel? Asking for a friend.

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And all us individual taxpayers get a refund from the billionaires who hoovered up those dollars?

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Why does this site have to condescend sports fans with its repetitive and ridiculous derogatory mentions of "FOOOBAWWWW" and "Sportsball?" So what, now if I want to remain a liberal I have to hate sports for some unknown reason? Fucking Hell. I love "sportsball" of all kinds, and I'm liberal as fuck. This site supports and promotes African-American pro atheletes in their protests while simultaneously mocking them for playing "sportsball," or "FOOOOBAAAWW." Goddamn. Some people just like sports. Fuck.

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Actually, Marx did know that even in his time, the workers who were strongest and formed unions were the relatively skilled and well-off workers, who had some self-confidence and some education. The ground-down poorest masses are generally too busy surviving to start a revolution.

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I hope she gets a really good lawyer and goes after ESPN. And Jerry Jones can take a long walk off a short pier. The players have a right to protest and it has nothing to do with the flag, the anthem or the military. That is just Republican bullshit. POC should be able to drive without being stopped by the police and shot just because they are breathing. What would happen to the Cowboys if all of their black players called in sick on Sunday? Would they have enough white players to be able to play or would they have to default? Perhaps Jerry Jones should think about that.

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How many football fans are found in the restrooms while the national anthem is played? How many are pissing while it is played? Perhaps the restrooms should be closed while the anthem is playing.

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I think he took one to many hits to the head during his playing days. He is probably a walking CTE.

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if stadia are built with taxpayer dollars, they're public places (not private workplaces) and protest speech is protected

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