Queerist libelz

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Sis? Is that you?

OMG do you think this is a defining feature of Wonketters? That they had dads that were into Pogo?

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Dunno, could be. That would be awesome. :-)

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I predict worse will be revealed if the girl is encouraged to tell all

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I'm thinking the same thing.

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What about ammonia up-splash from dropping a dooce?! Chemical TORTURE!They should be looking at life.

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You just wait until Donald J. Drumpf Presents the Republican National Convention, Apprentice Edition. That shit will blow everything the local's have attempted straight outta the water.

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Maybe he can do a transplant from his palms.

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There's a big piece missing from this picture. It's called the mother. WTF?

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And I'm sure the ammonia in the bucket wasn't for her benefit but, rather, theirs.

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One silver lining in the Drumpf family drama is that Ivanka has given birth. She's now spoiled and no longer of any interest to Der Donald.

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Your link says the mother's where abouts are unknown.

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feeling the need for kittens....

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Question: Who's more smackable: this guy or Shkeli?

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But totally smackable.

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Line them up Stooges style. One slap for the lot of them.

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