She already did. He just doesn’t know it yet.

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I sense a change in the force : )

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He's one of those people who I believe can be salvaged (as opposed to those who are completely lost).

I'm not giving up on him just yet.

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Because this is the Awful Administration, shirley news will arise that Scalia has improprieties out the wazoo. He prollaby has a personal server for his emails and a few sexual assaults off the books besides his Russian entanglements and pro bono work for the House of Saud.

Just by being the spawn of his spawnee, he is guilty by association. He has guilty genes and residual inner ratfuck within him.

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How dare you make me click on a poorly written NYT article (sorry for the redundancy of that "poorly written" qualifier). Now I'm outraged on behalf of whales and pit bulls.

I wish my pit bull would snuggle with me to make me feel better. He decided to curl up in a chair across the room instead. I know that it's payback for bringing a little human into his house to steal his mom.

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Well done.

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Your calling Kennedy a 'liberal'?

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Does she keep her Death List up to date?

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Don't call the news Shirley.

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That panorama of the Oval Office, with Pence for some reason administering the oath while the Orange Laughingstock is on the other side of Scalia, is sort of like Mt. Rushmore.

If Mt. Rushmore consisted of portraits of the original "The Unholy Three."

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Roger, Roger.

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He surrounds himself with only the "best" people.

Only the best.

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He did a couple of rulings that made liberals happy,which overshadowed the fact he was still a very conservative jurist who was never going to let his seat flip if he could help it.

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Something really lovely and unexpected happened at work today. I went upstairs to heat my lunch, but the lunchroom was occupied by a union meeting! I said I had no idea this was a union shop, and was told it is, but only in part. The good news? Patient navigators may be included soon.

Yes, I filled out a form and put my contact info on a list. I've always wanted to be a union maid!

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Exactly. I am almost 8 years over the age of 40, and the first presidential election I could vote in was 1992 when I voted for Bill Clinton.

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