Dear Mayor Pete: Thank you for allowing me to keep my insurance. How I would mourn its loss, and oh would the heavens echo with my lamentations! Lo, shall I today and forevermore be redeemed by the bored bureaucrat who refuseth to obey my physicians recommendations. Exalted are they that pay unto United Healthcare tithes premiums so a bloated MBA may taketh his jet unto Cabo with his mistress. For we are truly blessed.

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I was. I actually want exactly the system you describe, which I believe is what they have in places like Germany, Switzerland, and so on. Germany didn't even get rid of the insurance companies entirely, they just mandated that there is a minimum coverage that everyone will have and the reimbursement rates are set by the government. It's what the ACA could have been if it hadn't been for giving away the middle ground before negotiations even broke out and also Joe Lieberman.

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Because if they determine I've taken, say, a couple of Norco my sister-in-law had leftover from knee surgery and gave to me at a family gathering when my discomfort laid me out in the guest room, then they can label me a 'noncompliant patient abusing nonprescribed narcotics' and then CUT ME OFF.

THAT is why.

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They would also like to know why we have two whole Dakotas, which I think is fair.

I'm not even a non-American, and I would like to know why we have two whole states named Kansas.

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why on earth would a rich country not guarantee free health care to all children?! I don't get it I was gonna add some snark about how, well, we take darned good care of fetuses, it's just borned babies we don't seem to give a shit about. But that's not really true, is it? As long as the pregnant woman doesn't want to abort a fetus, our health system doesn't do anything in particular to help poorer people keep the fetusi or their host-creatures healthy.

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Yeah, the state board of Ed. in Oklahoma took a loan from the state's Indian Reservations a few years ago. I'll let that sink in...

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Arkan-SAW would like to have a word with you...

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CANADA! FUCK YEAH! FREE HEALTHCARE SAVES YOUR MOTHERFUCKING LIFE YEAH!https://media.giphy.com/med...https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Helping people makes them lazy God-haters. I mean, that's essentially the Republican arguments against things like universal health care and paid maternity leave and collective bargaining.

The fact that someone somewhere is getting help they didn't get (whether because they did ok on their own or because the service wasn't available at the time they had troubles) seems to make some people crazy. It's a weird public version of someone who is swimming ok on their own angrily trying to prevent a lifeguard from rescuing a drowning person. "Why do YOU get a lifeguard and I don't? Why don't you JUST SWIM? Why are you in the water in the first place? Maybe I should just stop swimming and sink underwater so a lifeguard can come carry me to land, har har har." I don't get it.

I live in WA and the state recently implemented paid family/medical leave. It is off to a rough start and I've seen so many people DELIGHTED that it's facing challenges, joking about filing their own false claims, absolutely GIDDY with the hope that it might collapse. WHY? Why the fuck are you hoping someone with cancer can't take time off work for treatment? Why are you so mad that a mother would get to take maternity leave? Why are you so fucking EXCITED at the prospect that a single parent might lose their job/desperately needed income when they have to take care of their sick child? THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?

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If I ever had a medical bill that might bankrupt me, my money would get an ambulance ride of its own - to somewhere a judgement couldn't reach it 🙂

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But rich people and corporations can make obscene profits on the backs of workers they don't pay enough while not paying their fair share of taxes in America and that's what really matters


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That it is, Sloth.

Thank you for listening, and thank you even more for giving a damn. It means far more than you know.

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Point: Healthcare is rationed by the Insurance companies in the United States. The Republican Party does not want well people, because well people may go to vote against them for the high cost of healthcare. It is a death panel scheme originally thought to be an insurance thing, but really is our government hard at work saving foetus' but incarcerating and neglecting actual living growing children, just as Jesus tells the Xtians to do. It is simple. We're being fucked over in the name of Capitalism. It is how things are supposed to work here. Stay well, Europe, you can resettle the Americas after we are dead from disease or killed off by automatic rifle fire. It is called making America great.

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When Euro sportsball fans chant, they do it to OPERA


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To be fair we do that in Canada as well.

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That reminds me of my parents visiting the southwester US several years ago. My dad had an episode of irregular heartbeat, which he's had several times before. The bill to get that treated, including less that 24 hours in hospital, was 10 grand. Fortunately they had medical travel insurance to cover the cost.

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